I do think it has an effect--some liberals who are pissed about it, not that they'd vote Republican, but still--and then of course some not so liberal who don't like the Republicans but they see Democrats are pushing a policy that makes their lives demonstrably harder, and may not vote for a full MAGA but would consider a Republican who presents as "normal". Youngkin is a phony but he played that issue well, and if our side doesn't grasp that that's a weakness for us, we're going to have a nasty surprise.

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Yup.It's what made my soon to be former Rep John KAtko so dangerous.He sounded normal so that made people feel okay to vote for him.That will happen this fall, espcially if mask mandates in schools are still in place.Do I like it?No but it's reality.

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Yup and we aren't IMO.Only putting our foots in our mouths when we try.

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Young children aren’t vaxxed yet. They require the highest level of consistent protection we can give them until they are vaxxed. If we are tired and worn down, too fucking bad. If mask wearing logistics are challenging to navigate for certain shared activities around these kids, too fucking bad. We are the adults. We have to carry that burden. No exceptions. That one time you have a moment of human imperfection might be the one where someone’s kid ends up dying or being permanently injured because you unintentionally gave them Covid. Drop your vigilance when you aren’t around the particularly vulnerable.

Was the pic a photo op? I’m assuming yes. That’s also why it was quickly shared online. Since it was a photo op, and the intent was to showcase Abrams participation with young children in school for Black History Month, then there should have been better consideration and planning for what message is sent. It’s not rocket science. And they aren’t new to politics or messaging. They understand the value of a photo op, and how opposition can use your mistakes against you. Aside from this being a simple mistake, now we talk about Abrams not wearing a mask for a photo op with kids, rather than Black History Month and her outreach with those kids.

I think our team needs to have a collective strategy when it comes to some basic things, and this is one of them. We have school boards being protested and threatened over mask-mandates right now. We have convoys of Nazis setting up mask-mandate protests. Mask-mandate protests and anti-vaxxer recruits are the current iteration for our domestic terrorist groups. I can’t imagine what anyone is thinking right now, being caught maskless in inappropriate settings, let alone intentionally posting the proof online. It’s tone deaf and foolhardy. Imaging and messaging matter. Abrams knows better. She also knows she’s a major target. Now is not the time for such simple mistakes and naivety. There are no acceptable excuses for Dems, and we shouldn’t pretend that the double standard we all know exists won’t compound our every mistake. Just because it’s unfair doesn’t change that reality.

And Newsom also should know better. He was particularly brazen about excusing his maskless celebrity photo op.

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Welp, I'm glad you've got it all figured out that nobody should have expected this could happen. Short of riveting a mask to her face, I don't honestly know how you're going to ensure it never happens again, but yeah, cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war on her and her staff, absolutely.

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They're every bit as dangerous as the Boberts and Greenes because they pass as normal and get the extreme crap in. And if they win swing districts, they give power to the Boberts and Greenes.

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How hard is it to say that you made a mistake, that you agree with mask mandates completely, and that you apologize to the children and their families for sending mixed messages?

Geez, Stacey. This is a rookie error.

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I briefly had a software testing job at a big accounting firm and I managed to blow up a program in ten seconds by putting in a date range where the second value was before the first. The programmers didn't even write an error code for that scenario. I would have been pretty good at that type of job as I had been doing data entry for years and knew most of the ways people screwed up inputs.

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They're more dangerous IMO for that exact reason.Look at Susan Collins.The fact people still think she is dumb and being led around on the nose and that she doesn't know what she's doing bodes ill for this Fall.

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And if you get caught without, don't rationalize. Apologize.

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well both parties have more than their fair share, but the Repubs aren't the ones telling everyone they must wear a mask in public,

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And only democrats are held to account for being hypocritical. For republicans, it’s just what’s expected.

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Newsome slept with a Gargfoyle, yet we expect good judgement from him?

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Sounds like most of the cops I know.

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It's on Disney, so I'll never see it or care about it.

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Way better.

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