University of Southern California libelz!

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My stuffed Stitch understands, as does my multiple stuffed Quatchi sasquatches.

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- If you want to open a business but not serve all the public-types, YOU CAN.You just can't register as a 'Public Accommodation' (and take all the sweet gov't bennies that come with that).You can, instead, register as a 'club-type' business (terms vary) which looks and operates much like any other business but can choose the traits of its clientele aka discriminate (but gets fewer gov't bennies).- It just requires you to not be a liar and/or to know some small business 101 info before you sign that paperwork.

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All the stars for "Tchad."

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"Tchad"? Forget, the gay thing. Someone slap some sense into that guy's parents.

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Honestly, I did not mean for the acronym to spell Fuck USC! I just noticed. We'll change it, maybe FUCUS....no, probably not that either.

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I have a cat named Albert, who is one of the five Daughters of Dave (she has passed away, unfortunately). I also have a fat calico named Lucifer.

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There's this thing called "forced speech" or "compelled speech" that has been ruled unconstitutional in certain cases. That is, the government cannot force you to say something, like the Pledge of Allegiance. It would be interesting to see what would happen if they pursued that route instead the "religious freedom" argument. Because it's well settled case law that government does have the right to regulate actions even if done in a religious context. So the "religious freedom" argument is DOA. On the other hand, "compelled speech" is murky. What if they say they object to homosexuality and are therefore boycotting gays?

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What about gender ambiguous names like Pat or Hayden? I know a woman named James, would they be cool writing her name next to another woman's name? How about foreign names, would they have to look those up to make sure their sex parts didn't match first? It must be hard to be a bigot.

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My tomcat Tiffany understands.

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I once had a bank teller who asked why I was putting money into a joint account with my ex....I showed her my ID to prove I was the Shawn person on the account.

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Not to mention all the sax and violins in their music!

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yes but only if it has rBHT added. "republican Bigoted Hate Tears"

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Exactly, buy some fancy paper, download fancy font. Print.

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"Happy Buttfuckin!" will be my new tramp stamp.

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I worked with a Tchad once. He was so terrible that future terrible employees would have extraneous T's added to their names in his honour.

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