This is the same guy who wants to make it illegal to arrest corrupt politicians like him, Mattress Mary and their ilk:


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Jesus is good with self immolation as long as you're doing it to keep a poor person warm. I say go for it.

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OMG! It's true!! Jesus saves. Praise the Lord for saving that very sane man from his empty threat.

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The man's a fanatic. Unfortunately, politics is full of them. Cynical voters think they will get a tax break and vote for these throwbacks. All they get is arcane religionism and fascism.

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It's endless, this persecution!!!!

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roasted kristian on marble rye. hold the mayo.

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self flogging for Jesus was all the thing back in the day - why not self immolation - the Buddhists do it

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He keeps missing?

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"And the glow from that fire can truly light the world..."

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I can see you are very transparent about not appreciating puns.

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He didn't say nekkid.

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*nods.* Clearly.

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I thought this was just his cleaver way to out himself as a big flammer!

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Well my prayers just went unanswered.

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Seriously though if this asshole actually had convictions for his beliefs and wasn't some drama queen he'd actually go through with his threats. Buddhism doesn't at all condone suicide and yet Thich Quang Duc was willing to set himself aflame to protest the treatment of Buddhists by South Vietnam. I'm not saying this jackhole should set himself on fire :checks for cost to mail gas can (with painted cross on it) and matches to Oklahoma City: what I am saying is if this clown thinks his religion is so opposed to abortion that he should set himself on fire for it then I say, get a match bitchass. Until then, quit acting like you have extreme religious convictions like suicide about an issue when you're too much of a wuss to live up to them....

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Jay is a nice guy. But this kind of crap really bothers him. Ever since the hostile takeover of God, Inc. in the 70s, it has been downhill.

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