Ammon or Cliven?

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I'm worried about that photo. I mean, it's inarguable that both the Duggars and Palins are unusually fertile (and don't understand that anything stronger than a side hug won't necessarily make you pregnant...perhaps their faith in genital-facing making you pregnant actually makes it happen)....I don't want to imagine a world in which there's a Palin-Duggar.

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Please, please, please let Bristol get knocked up by Josh Duggar. I don't want that child to actually exist but I will literally never stop laughing.

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I hope this didn't really happen but I suspect it probably did.

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The loving accepting embrace of the Dugger family and Jebus. It's enough to drive anyone to porn and hookers.

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I wonder if they'll let her -- what's her name Ann? -- on the show?

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... why do you hate Anna?

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...and now I need brain bleach.

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The Learning Channel? I thought it was Touching Little Children.

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The devil and the womenfolk are to blame. He is a man after all.

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"Josh Duggar's Penis"...Also universally known as the 3 words guaranteed to make you puke blood.

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He's willing to screw the crack of dawn. And probably Don, also.

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