"____ was a ____ is such a fun game."

__<u>mtn_philosoph</u>___ was _<u>finacially_secure</u>_.

I know, crazy, right? Mrs._philosoph still hasn't stopped laughing.

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OK, let's try this again...

__<u>Guess which one of our aunts</u>__ was a __<u>stripper</u>__ is such a fun game.

Hey, you're right!

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Reach out and touch cash...

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Subscribe to my seminars to learn how you too can become richer than God!

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He had successfully passed a camel through the eye of a needle using this one weird trick.

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Answer: a traitor to his class.

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Actually, New Pope is chill with Teh Gheyz.

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When he gets there he knows, if the stores are all closed With a word he can get what he came for.

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A really, really large blender.

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Except for, e.g., teh marriaging part.

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As a recovering christian all I can say is someone has got to stop Pope Frank!!!The dude is like a kilo of coke and box of baking soda to a crack addict,if he keeps this shit up I may backslide and be all jeebussee again and that aint right

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2,000 years and counting...

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Surely it was "pair of balls", to help account for his public displays of scorn for the religious establishment.

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"I come not to fulfill the prophecies but to exercise my stock options."

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So was the Last Supper written off as a business meeting?

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Yeah my draft strategy wasn't too great. Marshawn Lynch being the only running back I took in first 6 rounds really bit me in the ass down the stretch.

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