Jim Bakker, of Praise the Lord. Don't you still have to go through a period of rehabilitation before you make an appearance again. He spent 4 years in prison on a 45 year sentence. Did he make reparations to those he fleeced? He's not worthy to say anything about anybody. He's still trying to marshal some support for his debauchery through contributions to the cause. Don't tell me the little wuss didn't have a protector in prison who expected sexual favors. You certainly don't want to face Bakker in the act, so having him walk backwards is just about the only reasonable choice.On the more serious side, people decry the loss of the attributes of the Caucasian master race in this society and the browning and blacking of America. Those who reproduce in numbers to replenish and expand the population of the country are blacks and Hispanics. Most of the bellyachers fear the coming tide, but as good religious people, they want babies, no matter the socio-economic or educational status of the parents, to be given a warm welcome into this minority-hating, race-baiting world. What to do? We don't have to do anything. The whites will eventually be outnumbered by blacks and Hispanics, and the rest will be history.

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one of them.

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Yep, that's what killed them. Amazon, et al., had only to do with a 4% drop in ToysRUs revenues.

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I know it sounds weird, but the Better 5/8s and I never discussed children during our six-month engagement. A few months after the marriage, she started developing symptoms that seemed to be early-stage symptoms of pregnancy. We talked about it and decided to see what the next couple of weeks would bring before we made a final decision. A day or two later she had what could be described as a 7-week miscarriage. Because of her health problems, we decided that it was more important to us that we worked to keep her alive than it was to perhaps pass on our genes. I'm still happy with that decision, particularly when I see how many of our peers have managed to rear such amazingly smart, productive, well-adjusted (more or less) children.

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I really don't understand how this disgusting creature can be given any platform.

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Yep. Swaggart used to pay for prostitutes.

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I started thinking about the Rapture thing. And was going.... well, there are entire nations of people who aren't Christian. If it did happen, would the folks in India notice - as they are majority Hindi? Or a billion atheist Chinese? Or Saudi Arabia? Or the Nordic nations which are like majority non-believers. Would they just find out later on the news and just go on with their lives?

And why would that cause the United Nations to declare itself the supreme body and tell us that one guy is now world ruler? Just because a few million Americans vanished? Three billion people who aren't that bothered by that are still going to be at odds over trade and energy, they aren't going to be turning the population of the world into born-agains on a whim.

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And I wish I could upfist your handle, too.

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I'm totally with you. My wife had an ectopic pregnancy about 20 years ago; before we knew what was up, it ruptured and she wound up losing that entire tube and ovary. We weren't really interested in having kids (we both have a lot of health issues we wouldn't want to pass on), but it drives me up the wall to hear the "no exceptions" anti-choicers. If she hadn't had the opportunity, she'd have died.

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So now Abortion Doctors join gays in being more powerful than God.

Why is God God then if there are others more powerful than Him?

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Can you imagine a Gay Abortion Doctor?

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I've met a Wiccan lesbian abortion doctor. Not a minority though, so no line on the bingo card.

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Maybe the the person who would have cured cancer died in childbirth, or had to drop out of high school and get married , or couldn't afford medical school as a single mother; but then it would never occur to most anti-abortionists that a saviour could be female. The best a woman can hope for is to be the vessel that carries whichever male will save us.

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but didn't God also say "thou shalt not steal"? Bakker schemed and conned people out of $100 million. Actually, while pretending to lead them to the Lord. I'm surprised he ever got out of prison. Madoff is like, what the fk !

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First, a moment of medical pedantry: There will never, ever, ever be A cure for cancer. Cancer is a constellation of diseases, no two types of which are alike. Even lung cancer is several separate distinct types. Arguably each individual's cancer is a unique disease.

Second, idiots like Baker demean god (if there is one) by saying it couldn't work around abortion for this hypothetical problem. Or it could, but didn't, which makes god kind of an asshole.

Tl;dr fuck Jim Baker

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This God fellow is quite the fuck-up, isn't he? I wouldn't trust him to run a Taco Bell let alone the universe.

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