Other relevant advise on how to punish sin...

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I get the feeling that you think I'm sad about Duggar. I'm saying that persons like the Duggars should look at themselves before they start condemning other folks, like his wife's political robocalls disparaging transgenders as possible child predators. I'm not happy that Josh did what he did, but it only seems that the exposure of it will put them in the proper light.

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with xtian grifters it's always about the Capital.

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Hoist with his own Duggar!

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Well, at least is wasn't _gay_ rape... right?


Such a disgusting creature.

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The laws they indorse never apply to their own flesh and blood, only other folks' kids.

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'Tis... 'tis indeed a puzzlement. Anything - slugs, cockroaches, anything - is libeled by that comparison.

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I just don't know what to do with this. It has gone so far beyond what I have always believed to be "normal" (and believe me when I tell you 90% of humanity would run screaming from what I would consider normal).These people have created an entirely new category of sick. Based on their personal interpretation of the Bible.

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It would be so cool if someone were taping this entire collapse of the "Duggar Dynasty"...TLC could put that on and they would get some HUGE ratings. To see Jim Bob getting the call that all his sponsors are dropping the family like hot potato's would be such a sight to see.

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Incest: it's all relative.

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It's all he ever thinks about, apparently.

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The louder they are, the harder they fall. Sh!^ just keeps getting deeper and deeper with this family. Anyone wanna take bets on which loudmouth, gay-hating douchebag fundy religious nut is going to crash and burn in an epic scandal next?

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Possible career move for Josh, just "joshing" bad idea.

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Stallion seems too... noble.

How about old billy goat?

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