[working on a Bachus/Silenus pun. Back later.]

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They're made of the same stealth stuff as the Black Helicopters.

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Better you should play Bioshock Infinite. No multiplayer yet, but blood, guts and political equivalizing!

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W/ a rag on a stick.

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"Defensive Bullets": magical projectiles that knock those <i>other</i> bullets -- you know, the "offensive" ones -- out of the air, or shoot the gun out of the bad guys' hands.

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<i>Congress gets two weeks off for Easter?????? </i>

Like we could tell.

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CSI says there were some cut up hot dog's and cake's we like in there.

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Greg Gutfield? Good question.

When your head is up your ass, doesn't it sort of prevent the need in the first place? Or maybe it makes things worse. We may never know.

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"a veritable who’s <strike>who</strike> that of self-righteous assholes"


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<i>"Adam Lanza was a shut-in who apparently spent most of his time playing Call of Duty."</i>

That sounds like me! (Except my name is not "Adam Lanza". Also, I spend "some" of my time play CoD. Also, I went out this weekend to see the Harlem Globetrotters shoot hoops (with votes! no wait, with basketballs.), so I'm not a shut-in. They won but are not in the elite eight or final four or whatever the fuck those college pros call themselves these days. Um ... where was I? Oh yeah, also saw "The Mountaintop" about MLK's last day before he was murdered (with bullets!). Like I said, I'm not a shut-in.)

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People on the "no fly" list can get guns too. al Queda really appreciates the help and support they get from the NRA.

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Not bad. It use a little more detail like…

...a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams after a several nights of binging on Kailua and Taco Bell.

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Which raises the question: Is there <i>anything</i> Jim Carrey wouldn't do to bang Jenny McCarthy, or some other woman with a small brain and huge fake boobs?

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Ha! The last of those died ten years ago.

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