Abraham Lincoln? Oh, him ... OK, yeah, the dude who plays the sheriff on that zombie show on basic cable... You know who I mean, rite? Yah, that guy.

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He went from getting paid for being wrong . . . to being very well paid for being very wrong.

It's the pinochle of American excepsunulizm.

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One could argue, and I've seen it done, that the ideals presented in the Declaration and the Constitution, if not always the complete text, have been a force animating various reform movements like abolition to MAKE America live up to those ideals. That, of course, is not what DeMint is arguing, so he's a cretin and a scoundrel.

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Lincolncare was a disaster. All those African-Americans suddenly on their own, without their Masters' medical and dental care plans.

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sooooooo, let me get this straight. you're going to stop claiming the <strike>Civil War</strike> War of Northern Aggression was fought over state's rights? I mean how can the ebil Feds have <strike>kicked Confederate ass</strike>desecrated your sovereignty if they weren't even involved? Sumter just decided to bomb itself, because............underpants gnomes? Damn, we need Uncle Billy to come back and NOT burn a 60 mile wide swath through Georgia and SC again. Must have been CGI.

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Well, there goes the majority of my university education.

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And she spends less money. Can you imagine if Michelle spent money like Mary?

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I told my students this theory. They laughed.

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Didn't Jon Stewart tear this guy a new asshole on this subject a couple weeks ago?

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"It's Heritage, Not History!"

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When Zombie Lincoln rises from the dead to avenge all of the revisionist libel, I think Mr. DerpMint's is the first head he severs, vampire or otherwise.

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Interesting. I guess I need to change today's lesson in my US History course. Oh wait, I use facts...

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Who's the more derpish, the derp, or the derp who follows him?

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Except for Jefferson. He was totally in bed with Big Slave.

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I thought he was just a river in Egypt.

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