The 'I can do what I want where I want when I want' crowd needs to know it is never too late for toilet training.

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What's the proper spelling for "MAD GRRR ARGH"? Does GRRR always have 3 R's? Or if the subject is really, really mad, does one add extra R's. Same question pertaining to ARGH and H's. Is it gauche to add an exclamation point? I just want to check-in because every single thing I see online now makes me MAD GRRR ARGH. Or maybe MAD GRRRRR ARGHHH!

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Beeble bobble ONE OF US!!!!

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It's very hard to fleece the faithful over social media. Much easier to do it in person.

Joel Osteen needs a new yacht, y'know?

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John Cena does some really decent PSAs.

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Let's put Jordan in charge of the investigation of presidents who called for social distancing and then pimps liberation.

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IK,R? Husband: "Now who is Jim Jordan again?"Me: "The one who sprawled in his seat scowling like an angry toddler during the impeachment hearings."Husband: "Oh, yeah. Something about sex abuse, too?"Me: "That's the one."

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They need to create a controversy to fund raise off of. That's why Devon keeps suing cows.

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V (if RC, VI if not): Thou shalt not kill.

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Brontes: Charlotte, Emily, Anne?

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having to stay at home from the Golden Corral buffet

Great idea, everyone lifting the same lids, sharing the same utensils to scoop out the gruel hidden underneath and lining up for the omelette bar. Let’s hope senate Republicans eat for free.

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If I lived in congressman gym’s district, I would call him and tell him I’m planning a gay pride parade this weekend, but the mean governor won’t let me. I need him to step in to preserve my right to be fabulous on the streets of Cincinnati. Then watch his head explode

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The one who looks and sounds like a reject from the Moron Planet of the Apes? That guy.

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Excellent idea, i'm going to file a lawsuit because my dogpark is closed. Whaaa. Wonder if PETA will represent me?

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some inspired constituent soul MUST do this. or... how about a combined queer pride/pro-choice/Black Lives Matter rally?

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who here thinks the GOP can't get any lower? I gave that up years ago.

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