Once again, Rude is on the money.

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And then we won.

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Genghis Khan may not have been somebody you'd want your sister to marry. (Too dangerous!) But he was truly an amazing leader, who started out with his brothers and a couple of dozen guys, and wound up with the biggest empire the world has ever seen. A heartless, bloodthirsty dude to be sure.

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Trained gators??

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If there is a God she will send Jordan to a hell where he has to listen to his shrieking bullshit 24/7 full volume.

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The Truth and Reconciliation process begins with truth. As others have discovered, before you can reconcile (=unify) you have to state the truth out loud. Donald Trump needs to stand in front of the cameras and state "The election was not stolen. The election was fair. Here's how I know and can confirm it [insert basic facts]. Joe Biden won the election."

Then his enablers, syncophants, toadies, would-be heirs, family, and ambitious acolytes all need to say the same.

Otherwise: prison, justice, repercussions, consequences. That's how it works. No other process can lead to unity.

But as we know, the GOP doesn't want unity. They want to bide their time and try to take power again.

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Of course the Grotesque Old Party wants unity. It's just that they define "unity" as the Dems letting the Repubs do whatever they want, 100%, no compromise.

The only way Repubs can "win" arguments is to ignore facts and change what words mean.

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note the difference in respect being shown

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Gym, you've got a lotta splainin' to do. But don't, we don't want to hear your endless lies.

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Better invest in a power washer

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And Buck was all I don't understand what you mean when you say there was only one side. And let me correct you on a tiny and irrelevant point

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Or just smack him up the back of the head while glaring

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Um, men?

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Not Pitfall?

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HERE COMES MISTER UNITY!!!https://twitter.com/mikedeb...

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That's significantly better.

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