Also, Thrash Metal playing from the speakers atop the wall, turned up to 11.

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Especially when the Wall is built, 1,000 feet high, with anti-aircraft artillery on the top in order to shoot down drones carrying drugs and anchor babies.

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Jim Jordan, Larry Nasser, Jerry Sandusky: all good people --- Art Briles

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"Obviously people lie in all situations, including--" how you might be lying right now?

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Roy Moore, izzat you? Phuk Yew (but not that poor horse you rode in on, Sassy! The ASPCA is looking for you! Whinny once for "yes," twice for "no," and neigh loudly for "get me the fuck away from this perve ASAP!"

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Jim Jordan is a conspiracy peddling stooge who wastes everyone’s time “investigating” anything Trump or Fox News regularly burps out. But you almost feel sorry for the guy because he’s such a punchy simpleton.

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It's as if he's saying, "you think Michelle Obama had guns? Look at these bad boys!" I think he's trying to make sure nobody can drop the insult "effete" on him?

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He covered for a pedophile like he covers for Trump.

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You make the assumption their claims are not true. Very few grown men go around making false claims of sexual harassment or abuse unless it is true. These guys were not in preschool. Smear the line, smokescreen the truth, or just lie.If you don't know the facts then quit trying to rearrange the truth for your contemptible friends.

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"The characteristics of false accusers are irrelevant to the frequency of false accusations. Dickwad." [hurt my feelings again -- may I suggest more imagination in your next episode of name calling]

They may be irrelevant to the frequency of false accusations, but they are exactly relevant to this case. There is both a history of criminality and potential for financial gain for both of the named witnesses, which would give rational, fair people pause. Doesn't include the author of article who assumes guilt in her lynching exercise. You are completely stupid and can't make an argument from a to b.

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Goalpost moving noted. The characteristics of false accusers are irrelevant to the frequency of false accusations. Dickwad.

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"dickwad" Such an intelligent response. My feelings will be wounded all day by your insightful criticism.

******"And the place to ascertain veracity is in court, not in your fevered projections" Maybe many people here, including the author of the post, who are assuming that Jordan is guilty, might want to wait for a trial.

Interestingly, an article entitled " What kind of person makes false rape accusations?" seems to be applicable to the accusers here.

"When one looks at a series of fabricated sexual assaults, on the other hand, patterns immediately begin to emerge. The most striking of these is that, almost invariably, adult false accusers who persist in pursuing charges have a previous history of bizarre fabrications or criminal fraud. Indeed, they’re often criminals whose family and friends are also criminals; broken people trapped in chaotic lives.... while false accusers often have similar histories, they have various motives.These can be divided into roughly four categories: personal gain, mental illness, revenge, and the need for an alibi.Accusers motivated by personal gain are generally the same people who slip on the courthouse steps and sue the city." https://qz.com/980766/the-t...

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What the fuck are you doing here, troll? Nobody here is interested in whatever your lame Trump supporting ass has to say. Feck off.

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Although such abuse can occur anywhere, there seems to be a recent spate of disclosures concerning hardscrabble mid-western state universities run by hick politicos amidst a repressive baby Jebus thumping of Bibles in the donor class. Hope Jones tumbles hard on this one, if true. And it is.

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