What about the commity?! Won't somebody think of the commity?! (said while clutching pearls)

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....okay Gym, and let's just roll that videotape again

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“ Here's a hypo: If you tweet that "someone should commit a crime," and then a rando you never met before actually goes out and does it because you said so, are you responsible? Legally? Morally?


Oy. You are tired.

But, it was a mob that he spoke directly to, in real time, that then— again in real time—engaged in the violent activity Trump just encouraged. Additionally, there is already an orgy of evidence in the public domain linking Trump advisors and his office directly to everyone involved in the planning and financing and acting of the violence on January 6.

Or, in other words, NOT COMPLICATED.

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The interview. The interviews were fucking fantastic. Mel Brooks did one that had me laughing so hard I couldn't see because of the tears in my eyes.

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It's easy when you don't have to respond to anything but what's in front of you right now.

Reporter: Attack? You said they were tourists.Gym: I don't remember saying that.

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O you foolish dreamers. IF ONLY Dem spokespeople and the news media would very publicly and repeatedly ask such questions. But that would require spine, gumption, and not being wholly-owned subsidiaries of them what pulls the strings in this country.

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There are gifs here that are overused to the point I would gladly never ever see them again.

Not a single Bill Hader gif has made that list.

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The Space Lasers people? Hah! I knowed it!

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Gym Jordan not cooperating with an investigation into wrongdoing? That is so on brand.

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Better than a gif of the real Gym.

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I just figured out what the deal was with the fake electors--duh. Michigan, Wisconsin plus Arizona equals 37 electoral votes. If you subtract 37 votes from Biden's 306, and add the 37 to Trump's 232, each person has 269, which makes it a tie. Then the election would be sent to the House of Representatives (one state, one vote), and Trump would win.

Not sure how they thought they'd get those forgeries accepted, though.

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I hope there wasn't a Congressional doctor molesting Aides while Jordan looked the other way. Because that would be soooooo off-brand.

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On Scout's Honor with fingers crossed back.

That's good, too, right?

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"This verdicty is written on a cocktail napkin!""And it STILL says 'guilty'!"

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guy in the seat looks like Manchin

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