Let me guess: You have a 503(c) called "Patriot Tard Monkeys"?

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I feel pretty bad about those poor Teabaggsters having to answer questions. Everyone knows that requires "listening" and "comprehension."

Clearly the IRS was setting them up to fail.

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He's a naked mole rat. And that's his good side.

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Poop in his P90x

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Look Mr. McDermott, we're all for free speech. Only, the speech is "SCANDALGHAZIIII!!!1"

If you want any kind of attention from us at all, please be sure to froth out the phrase "Scandal-plagued" while appearing on any Sunday shows. If you have crazy eyes, please be sure to roll those around crazily.

However, if you continue excercising the <i>wrong</i> kind of speech, we will be forced to write editorials that say you support the terrorists and you are a traitor.

Signed, The Media

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there is still a black man in the white house.

and this just gave em a new lease on life.

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why didn't this get more coverage? why did i have to listen to that stupid bagger breaking into tears like 8 times and NOT THIS?

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That's far too accurate a Hitler analogy to be believable as Teabagger rhetoric.

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It's time for an asshole tax and I don't mean for having one but for being one.

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Today we are all emotionally disturbed howler monkeys

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For Obvs reasons,

"Santorum's 2016 <strike>running</strike> runny mate"

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The narrative is now "scandal-plagued Obama administration" Please be sure to refer to it this way, in the future.

--The Management

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<blockquote>...but fuck that guy</blockquote>

I could not be in more solid agreement with you on this point, even were I to actually become you.

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I'm willing to bet 90% of the groups that apply for tax-free status are probably turned down. I associate with many fraternal organizations and private clubs and every single one of them has had a "hey, we should apply for 501(c)3 tax-free status" brain storm at one time or another. They all think the only requirement is that they're a group of people. After they understand the process and requirements they usually don't proceed, since private clubs and fraternal/political organizations don't qualify anyway.

But now every rightwing conspiracy nutcase group will be howling that they want and deserve their tax-free status. I wonder if the IRS will blink or tell them to STFU.

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