Don't even get me started on the danger of mixing fabrics.

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Just 'cause you put peanut butter on your naughty bits does NOT mean it was the dog's idea!!! BAD HUMAN! BAD!

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I didn't know there were so many rules. I need to rethink my weekend plans.

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My toaster just informed me that it is going to spend the weekend ALONE.

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Absolutely not, which is why there won't be a draft. Makes it too hard for Halliburton to start wars.

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Paul has been appropriated by the forces of evil. Great response here.

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Meh…this from the purveyor of "adultery in my heart." He wasn't too proud to cloak himself in religiosity when he was in a position to actually affect stuff. The only correct answer is to point out that the considerations of The Constitution (which stipulates that religion is not the boss) outweigh the personal attitudes of the magic Christ boy/man hippie freak.

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Oh I remember that. Carter had no use for Washington hostesses and pundits and the Beltway chattering class, and he hardly bothered to conceal it.

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Jesus is just alright with meJesus is just alright OH YEAH...

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“I think Jesus would encourage any love affair if it washonest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else”

Even Jesus wouldn’t approve of some of the girls I lost myheart too in my youth.

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"Episcolopians" ??? Is that a new sect?

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That'll do pig. That'll do. I'll be in my bunk for the foreseeable future.

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The thing I love the most about Jimmy Carter is that he always holds himself to much higher standards than anyone else, and doesn't condemn the people that can't meet his standards. Kind of the opposite approach of any fundie that I have ever met. (Although he is not a fundie.)

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But he is a dwarf planet. So . . .

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Well, actually, he went after the tax exemptions of "Christians" who created "Academies" in the wake of desegregation so their precious snowflakes wouldn't have to rub elbows with "those people".

This action was one of the catalysts that created the "Moral Majority" that lurved the non-churchgoing shitty grade Z movie star.

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