I'd like to think so ...

And yep. They had one of those stands at the front of our Piggly Wiggly that sort of looked like an oversized podium, with all the various tube prong footprints up top to check them. Then if you were lucky they had the tube you needed stored underneath. Otherwise it was order and wait a day or so.

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No doohickeys at my house. Our antenna was tied to the chimney with clothesline. I have memories like they were straight out of <i>A Christmas Story</i>, with my old man grumbling and turning the air blue when he had to go up on the roof to re-tie or reposition. His face would contort, eyebrows would bunch, eyes would alternate between slits and bulging.

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Parliament Fundagelic was never the same once they inpeeched George Clinton

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That guy. He runs the ministry that does the shoebox campaign- fill a shoebox to give a little African child a happy Xmas! Someone at our school runs it every year- I refuse to participate in something which has the aim of conversion, which is what it's all about.

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All of this with the Swaggart family trying to give JC the crabs...

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No truer words ...

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Yea! I'm not the only one who remembers that!

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Cut your head off, THEN ram it (the gay, er, agenda, I suppose?) down your throat. Moar of a straight shot, so ta' speak...

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Is this the restoration of the giant "Touchdown Jesus" that burned down a few years ago? Soon it will be time for another lightning strike.There's a similar, much smaller, but similarly tasteful version of this icon near Madison, WI on US151.

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Some people aren't happy unless they're up someone else's ass over something

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Nothing about marrying a dog? No warning about recruiting children? No hand-wringing about ramming marriage down our throats? Teh Gheys just aren't the threat they used to be.

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Oral- because his mom decided that "I should have blown your father" was too cumbersome for a first name

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sphincter? Thanks Obama. Now we can't say asshole on wonket.

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The fruit of his loins is just as vile and rotten as the original. How nice.

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Do they use some kind of special ink when they print bibbles that has hallucinogenic properties?

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He must be a religious moderate since he did not call for gay drone strikes.

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