Bingo. Going on twelve years of rotating shift work, 12 1/2 hours per. Four nights, three off, three days, one off, three nights, three off, four days...then seven off and rinse and repeat. Of course, all kinds of forced OT on those "days off".

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That was a great song (and video), but I like the oldies, too:


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Yup, so much yup. Fuckers would do dumb shit to anger the customers, then fuck you over after you pulled their dumb asses out of a problem of their own making.

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I'm not entirely certain that all economic reporting should require a punk soundtrack, but if it pisses off those conservatives (and those worse than them), then yes, every time. Every single time."Rock the MAGAs" so to speak.

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Economics is a religion, complete with divine revelations from the holy book of Milton Friedman and prophecy from oracles like Alan Greenspan, with scores of fanatical followers who will explain why the previous predictions weren't actually wrong even though the reality is diametrically opposite of what was foretold.

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I know. The economy seems to be doing well. Terrible new for Republicans.

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The problem isn't Christmas music, it's the same Christmas music over and over.

My solution is to either do very very out versions of traditional carols (Roland Kirk knows how to bugger up a carol), or carols we don't play that much anymore, say "The Holly and the Ivy" or my fave "I saw three ships".

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(nods furiously)

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I go with the oldiesI'm lookin for a job at honest pay. . .My children need 3 square meals a day.. . And I ain't gonna be treated thisaway.

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I prefer the 3 Penny Opera street singer version

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I have Lotte Lenya on vinyl but in th e show this song was sung by the street singer. My mother took me to see it off-Broadway twice in the 1950s

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"Economics is a religion"Something that appears to be obvious to everyone except economists.Also economists "discovered" psychology about one hundred years after the discipline was founded and called it "behavioural economics."

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Yes. Completely. [John Maynard Keynes enters the chat, says I told you so, and leaves]

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As a liberal Episcopalian, I approve this message and thank you for showing it to me.

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Me, I like the Beggar's Opera--sung by a pawnbroker and fence:The priest calls the lawyer a cheat, the lawyer beknaves the divine, the statesman because he's so greatthinks his job's as honest as mine.

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