
That's what you get for commenting before you've finished the morning's first coffee.

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All of them, Katie.

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that is about all i can come up with whenever this tool is discussed.

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my actor friends and i used to have a trope. anytime any of us would go to WI to do a show or spend time we would come back 10 pounds heavier.

shorthand for putting on weight became 'i went to WI'.

(sorry, i know we're FIBs)

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we don't have any trains. fucking republican governors have refused all the funds.

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<i>I know having held listening sessions</i>

fuck you you corporate tool. your only fucking job in the private sector was selling warranties for fucking IBM part time in college (from which you never fucking graduated). the rest of your fucking career has been in tax payer supported jobs. we've paid your fucking salary since like 1990 and in return you fucking cut teachers' pay, you refuse health care funding from the feds, you restrict voting rights, you restrict union rights and you put your fucking cronies in other fucking tax payer funded jobs.

may your koch loving ass lose in june and may you have to compete in the fucking private sector like the rest of us.

(ok, now i feel better).

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What's all this about tents and porpoises?

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"small business owners more than anything want certainty"

So lame. If you want certainty, get out of the private sector or ask for more central planning.

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Any small business owner that makes hiring/firing decision based on whether or not teachers are protesting in Madison is going to be out of business by the end of the quarter regardless of the choice they make, because they're clearly a total fucking moron without the first idea how to run a business.

So, net effect of protests on private-sector employment: quite close to zero. Except for the slight possibility that jobs were created in cleanup companies or, far more likely, PR hack firms putting out wild exaggerations and complete fictions about the extent of cleanup required.

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Yeah, this "certainty" thing is such a total fucking lie. If you really believe businesses want certainty, don't go around completely tearing up the social contract of your state with its people.

But as I've pointed out in the past, the <em>last</em> thing the finance sector wants is certainty. Without uncertainty, there's no risk. Without risk, there's no profit in the finance sector, and hence no such thing as the finance sector. Hey, maybe Scotty has a point after all, just not for the reason he thinks. Oh wait, he doesn't think, he just moves his mouth when whichever Koch brother has an arm up his ass opens and closes their hand.

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G Gordon Libby?

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I would invite him to do the math, but I know the futility that would lie therein.

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According to Walker-nomics, Romney and the Repubicans challenging Obama's re-election is creating national uncertainty and job losses. Um ... except for all the new jobs in the country.

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