Regarding the $1,200 check, it’s “in the mail”.

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the only way to manage this beast is testing. every. single. human. in the country needs their status evaluated (sick, antibodies present, no exposure, no symptoms). how in the world can you manage a problem with no understanding of the size of the problem. as the WHO says: test, test, test. but then we would have data and the repugs hate the data. bad data.

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#KingCorona: most cases and soon to be most deaths. you know he loves it. his daddy would be proud of how many citizens of color his son legally killed.

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So sorry to hear this.

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I live a few miles away from the largest outlet mall in the Northeast which draws tourist/shoppers from all over the world. It has hundreds of stores. I drove past it on my way to my locally-owned pharmacy the other day and saw a sign saying the entire mall was closed. That has to be at least 10,000 jobs gone.

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Ta, Stephen. Governor Cuomo addressed the overloaded system for unemployment claims, assuring New Yorkers that when they're able to get in the system and file, their benefits will be retroactive to the beginning of their job loss.

I was unemployed/underemployed with no unemployment benefits for years. The habits of thrift I developed got me through hard times, as well as help from Elder Sister and the generosity of my beloved Wonketteers. I'm so glad to remain employed during this crisis.

My Program Director told me yesterday to come in late if the train's too crowded for social distancing. A friend came by my office yesterday with N-95 mask for me, so it's not as scary as it was when all I had was a surgical mask topped with a painter's mask.

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Indeed. I let the clients know where and when they can pick up free meals near their SROs and apartments. Our Community Healthcare Center is prescribing via telemedicine, and their pharmacies are delivering. We'll get through this with KINDNESS.

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Hugs to you, too. Much love.

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Someone had shared a link with me that sent me to this. Com site. I was disgusted of how poorly the article was wrote. It wasn't words that was the problem and it wasn't that everything was misspelled, but what it was - was a misrepresentation of the majority of the truth that went along with that story.

So I have kept this. Com around to see what other stories run here. Or shall I say what side it represents? everything represented from everything I've seen so far is one-sided. Which means that this.com is part of the problem. To keep us against each other to keep us bickering. And fighting. Saying no I know the truth, no you don't because I know the truth.

You're trying to represent somebody's agenda that makes you false news. Oh, there are the words. Wow throw me in the corner and give me 60 lashes with a wet noodle. It still won't change that you are false news.

How about you investigate what your story is about. And then you simply write down the truth. No matter what it is, no matter if it fits one side or the other, let's take the politics out of politics, can we just go with the word truth. I don't believe we can as long as this garbage is being put out.

I side with no side. I do not pick a political because I denounce government and the way it is ran. So not picking any side I do say to pay attention to what is happening. Because the russiagate did not pan out it was spaghetti thrown at the wall and it did not stick. So then there was the Ukraine gate. Look at that more mudslinging but it did not stick. It doesn't stick if there's not any truth to it. well what's the next step because those two failed and we spent a lot of money at time of the taxpayers money on it. That's beside the point. What's next well we better create a huge chaos so that the jobs go down and we can make the numbers fall and then we can tell the sheep look how bad he's doing.

I will be honest as I said I do not choose any side. And hell, I did not even choose Trump. But if you slow down and look at the big picture since being voted into office, there has not been one single day go past the mainstream news that they haven't mentioned his name in a negative way. And before this crisis the numbers were looking pretty good but I see comments that say it was all about Obama. Obama put these in place that's why it was doing so good. there's those that say that that they need to do their homework. just because you have a thought in your head does not make it true you have to dig to find truth. Again I pick no side but a Obama was no good for this country. Especially the crap that he pulled on his way out. If you don't know if it research it I'm not dropping it in your lap. But I do already know. Follow the big picture not the big lies. and even when you do find a little bit of truth of the big picture. There's even a bigger bigger picture than that. Stop the left-wing and right-wing nut farm. Jump off that Farmer's hay bale ride it's bumpy and it hurts your kidneys anyway. I'm afraid you're going to have to jump off that roller coaster is now going very fast because the one that was controlling it has left his station at the controls. Nobody's there. It's an endless ride unless you jump off it. Dig for the truth, demand the truth. The truth may shock you a little bit.

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OMFG. What a load of tosh.

This isn't a news site... it's opinion and analysis, and if you can't tell the difference, go back to school.

There isn't a fact you can challenge in Stephen's pieces or any of the pieces posted here, and your long-winded screed makes it very clear that you're not quite the independent thinker you praise yourself to be.

Take your Obama-hating, Trump-licking conspiracy-hinting ignorance and go away.

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Obama hating, Trump licking? Don't let your hate overflow. But maybe you should go back and read my writings with a open mind and not a hateful mind. As I mentioned I pick no party. As I mentioned I have no side in any battle. And I have ran into many of you. The brainless that love to hate and do not take 10 minutes to look into anyting. I spend hours and hours looking into things. You think I state that and don't have any proof? I have so much proof it would make you go cry in the corner. But then again that's probably why you won't go investigate for yourself because you know it was going to make you cry in the corner.

Now I could go further and tell you to go lick Hillary, but she's not going to be around long enough for you to lick. She will be gone soon as an enemy combatant of the State. The video proof don't lie. Or is that now you're going to tell me next that it does. They have ways of faking videos. Which they do. But if it was that easy wouldn't they have already had Trump in cuffs for his Russia collusion, and every other collusion that they're throkwing at him. Which pans out just not to be true at all. I never did like Trump, I thought he was a harsh in your face man. I didn't vote for him. But start looking at the facts, start looking and paying attention to everything around you, start looking into things. Because the truth will set you free.

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That you could characterize a dedicated, capable, intelligent public servant as "an enemy combatant of the State" demonstrates that you are fucking fooling yourself when you claim not to have picked a party or a side.

It's hilarious to me that you think I'm overflowing with hate when you are clearly marinating in your own hatred.

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Independents? Srsly? WTF?

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As the UI numbers pile up, it will. As will resentment over his bungling of the 'rona crisis.

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"a simple man". Got that part right.

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The stooopid runs deep in America.

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