OT but i hear rickie's attempting to rival shelley's record for "number of consecutive days in a row saying something stupid or just plain wrong"

and yes, i know denying climate change will play to the base who prefers rain god prayers, but i personally, wouldn't want to piss off science.

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BSL: Too late. Ohio has "State Stores" - hard liquor is only sold in retail establishments owned and operated by the State. Their unofficial slogan "We never have a sale. Ever."

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Since this is Ohio - will they serve "up" beer or only "down?"

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I can't believe these bastards spoke badly of Willie Nelson. Willie likes smoking ganga, chasing pretty women, and has the best drinking song ever coined by a country & western crooner: <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watc..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru40GiejGDg">http://www.youtube.com/watc...

Sons of bitches. Don't they realize Willie was the very first person recorded for Austin City Limits, the longest running tee-vee show on PBS.

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And I thank my lucky stars that I no longer reside in round-on-the-end-and-hi-in-the-middle. Worst four years of my life, plus the 15 months I carried that house after I moved, and it's only gotten shittier since then. Go pickle yourselves, asshat legislators, and try not to kill anybody else in the process.

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Are you putsching me on?

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How could we know? There'd actually have to be some sober voting in Ohio for us to tell.

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Like my grandfather always said, in Wisconsin, when two roads intersect, they celebrate by putting up a bar.

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Sort of gives new meaning to lawmakers who "couldn't pass the bar".

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to be fair, their legislation couldn't get any worse if they were drunk.

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They could just go all Sterling-Cooper and put bars in every sngle fucking office, but yeah...jobs.

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i'm not sure beer goggles will work in this case.

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