Where do I sign?

As you know, the enemies of the state are the first to sign loyalty pledges to avert suspicion from their true intentions.

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I'm guessing every animal in that video was being abused?

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They should put it in his Coke.

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Maybe the CIA is putting something in his ketchup.

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lol no, this is Mika and Joe trying to get out from under the stigma for having bathed his taint with their tongues.OBVs he is suddenly not the same man!He is precisely the fucking same man.

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It was the 80s so definitions were a bit looser back then. So, maybe.

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All I can do is echo you. Yes. This. He always was absolutely unfit to be president -- of a high school debating society, much less a mighty country. Ethically, spiritually, intellectually, pragmatically, and every other conceivable way. And lately his brain may be entering a steep and sudden decline, it would appear, although I can see the point of those who think, no, he's just what he always was. I mean, how would you really be able to tell?

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I think he does. I think he's saying, but if that were the only choice and he wasn't offered any others ...

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Sorry, but his moronic fans in the general electorate deserve everything bad thing forced upon them. Stupid. People. Should. Not. Vote. As the saying goes, "You break it, you buy it."

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There you go getting my hopes up again...then again, does President Pence sound a whole lot better?

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We Southerners who don't drink the orange Kool Aid (there are a few of us) have diagnosed him differently: That boy is plumb eat up with stupid!

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I actually do think he's worse, and worsening, too. He didn't use to be this incoherent and insane, I think.

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Why is he still having campaign rallies? He won the election and now he's campaigning against his own government. What a fucking nut.

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That's the real punchline: the GOP controls both houses but still they can't pass any sort of legislation. They're essentially using Trump as a lightning rod - the ass says things that would be disqualifying for any ordinary politician, he can propose legislation that isn't realistic, but at the same time does real damage with the things he can do (cabinet appointments and such), and it's all red meat for the base.

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I never thought I would live long enough to see people legitimately question whether or not the President was sane. A senile Supreme Court Justice, maybe, but the President? Woo Hoo! I made it!

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He's not quite right as our southern family of Democrats says.

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