If Richard Nixon had Twitter instead of secret tape recorders. And if he had half the IQ and twice the personality defects.

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Really?!? Just NOW they're discovering that Trump and his minions are compulsive liars? Everyone else knew that back in January of 2016. But, I'm glad they finally jumped on the bandwagon. I still don't like Joe "right wing tool" Scarborough.

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As Republican shills neither Joe or MIka had any trouble following the wind. When it finally got so strong that even they had to notice they changed -- and you can expect them to change again.

One of the most notable features of conservatives; they have no consistent reusable morals or ethics to guide them. Each episode is anew trial and requires prolonged thought to compute a path.

This does not make them bad -- this makes them American, a place where moral and ethical confusion abound and the only structure that purports to teach morals and ethics is Theological and has a long and illustrious history of errors.

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Some of us were taught morals and ethics both at school and by our parents; these days teachers have to contend with kids raised by parents completely lacking in morals and ethics themselves.

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Mika seems to think that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, unlike her Daddy and brother(s), has some kind of conscience? Bless their hearts.

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BBBBBBut, isn't MSNBC part of that "librul media"?

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Oh, that's bad - the US has made more than its fair share of crap vehicles over the years, which is why the US car companies had to be bailed out by Obama.

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The main difference being that, until the later part of the war, Hitler actually knew what he was doing.

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Let's not forget Betty's wonderful response to Trump "Maybe they didn't do a good job" when asked why he'd stiffed so many contractors, suggesting that as many people as possible should book into one of Trump's hotels and refuse to pay the bill on the grounds that they were dissatisfied with the service they'd received and tell the manager they were only doing what Trump himself said he did.

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I think there are more than just a few, but I agree Gabriel's definitely one of them.

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Definitely, and they bear a lot of responsibility for his election, considering all the free publicity they gave him.

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I'd favor taking a page out of the monkeys' play book and flinging poo.

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In fairness, the article by conservative writer Matt Lewis is NOT representative of the Beast's content. Here are a few headlines from today:"Obamacare Cure is Worse than the Disease", "Trump's New Order is Still a Muslim Ban", "How Trump Screwed His Own PACs"."Blowhard Behind Trump's Wiretap Claims".

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The guillotine should be set up in front of Trump Tower in New York. The streets will run red with the ballots of that "voting" machine.

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It's not like any of this is new. These people SUPPORTED him and helped him through his campaign. I mean, WTF! They're just waking up??? WE all knew he was nutz. And, they are just catching on? Oh, isn't that precious.

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But I still want a bathtub set up on the Capital for Grover Norquist.

A bathtub full of votes, obviously. But maybe damp soggy votes?

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