Gee, what does Wiki-poo have to say?

<i>Arpaio served in the Army from 1950 to 1954 in the Medical Detachment Division and was stationed in France for part of the time as a military policeman.[14]</i>

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I put this in an answer above, but I think it deserves its own place.

Now, Wikipedia is Wikipedia, but it says: <i>Arpaio served in the Army from 1950 to 1954 in the Medical Detachment Division and was stationed in France for part of the time as a military policeman.[14]</i>

That is, he is a Korean War veteran like I am a Vietnam War veteran (I was in the Chair Force from 69-72).

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Let's hope he runs as a third party candidate, after the AZ Rethuglicans refuse to commit political suicide. He'll draw the flamin' crazies away from the merely insufferable GOP candidate, giving a Democrat a real shot at the governor's office.

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<i>The flag never talks back. the flag never asks for equal rights. the flag never asks to be married to another flag. the flag never asks for equal pay, or a raise, or even minimum wage. the flag never votes for the "wrong" candidate. </i>

Exactly what they look for in the perfect woman . . . no wonder they love the flag!

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Watching old Walnuts' face as he reads that Joe is a Korean "vet"? You could sell tickets.

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What we have us here is a failure to <i>communicate.</i>

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On a scale of 1 to 10, and given candidates who score 0-4, the best you can do is take the 4.

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And for the altitude . . . it's not called the "Mile High State" for nothing.

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'Known universally as equivalent to the Swastika...'

What the pfargtl are you talking about?

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Sheriff Arpaio is a Korean war vet and a big idiot. /Fixed.

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You know, if these all these right wing bozos cared as much about American citizens as they care about American flags this country would be in a lot better shape.

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Why is it that the folks who claim to be the most patriotic often turn out to be the most fascist?

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I believe America has peaked and is sliding downhill but Arizona is already in the lowest level of Hell.

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Love the symbol...hate what it symbolizes.

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This is a guy who usually serves bologna sandwiches to the inmates. So the punishment is not getting to eat the finely chopped and sliced slaughterhouse waste? I hope these guys shape up so they can get their beef lung and foreskin sandwiches back.

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