Lemme see. Arpaio claims he's innocent. A court finds him guilty. Trump pardons Arpaio. Arpaio ACCEPTS the pardon.What part of accepting a pardon doesn't Arpaio understand? The part that IMPLIES accepting a pardon admits guilt.

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Or, that Arpaio is charged with State of AZ crimes, that Trump can't pardon him for committing.

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I've been scouring the internets...looks like it was a Supreme Court ruling in 1915 (Burdick vs. US) states exactly that.

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I found this: https://www.justice.gov/fil...2006 Office of Legal Counsel from what was then the US Pardon Attorney.

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He should just claim that his Melania-like double did all the bad shit. Or maybe run for the Senate. It worked for law ignorer Judge Moore.

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LOL, as if the 9th Circuit is gonna agree with his racist ass.

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As Harlan Ellison wrote, "failing that, sit and suffer!"

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Oh, that's a keeper!

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I don't see any Latin in his features. He looks plenty hate-white to me.

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FAKE HISTORY !!11!1!!!!1

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I understand there are plenty. One report said he will spend the rest of his life in court. Whee!

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If we've learned anything from history, it's that it doesn't take a formal conviction for a bad person's villainous legacy to become the only thing they're remembered for.

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Have at it.

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Insert shocked face pic here.

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