So - Sheriff Joe isn't the dumbest guy in the county. There are all those jokers who voted him in.

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Also - (again, thank you Public Radio) - Martha Reeves of Martha and the Vandellas. Hope you are Dancing In the Street during this Heatwave.

And Screaming Jay Hawkins. When the Rolling Stones toured the USA, they thanked the R&B pioneers and Blues musicians they'd listened to in England by hiring them to open their shows.

Screaming Jay Hawkins began his act by popping out of a coffin.

There's music in your stars, 2L!

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And Hunter Thompson. Thank you, Writers' Almanac and Garrison Keillor.

Best of all - You!

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At the risk of taking these residents of Wingnutzistan-stan-stan seriously, a clerk went over the document, checked the entries, and wrote in pencil simple numeric codes for data entry purposes.

Box 7g. asks "Is Resident on a Farm of Plantation?" There are two choices: "Yes" and "No." "No" is checked, and someone wrote in pencil "2."

Box 11 "Birthplace" (of Father). Entry is "Kenya, East Africa." Penciled "2." "1" would be "Within the United States" and "2" would be "Outside the United States."

Box 14 "Race" (of Mother). Penciled code is "1." Duh! Of course Caucasian is the first race on the list of possible choices.

Other boxes in which the information has not been filled have a "0" in pencil - meaning, no information provided.

This "code" is not exactly the ENIGMA.

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Nine of those 10 days were probably spent on the beach with Donald Chump's investigators and umbrella drinks.

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No, the ones who vote for him are fear stricken retirees. the really dumb ones are the people who actually buy their gawd awful books

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Or how about one of those gold star badge decals they give kids when they take a tour of the Sherrif's HQ?

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a real time traveling democrat would make sure kitty harris never got elected.

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Seems dotty to me.

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After explaining he'd invested his entire retirement account in American Buggy Whip, he predicted a World Series sweep by the Boston Braves.

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they have a fucking POSSE? a birther POSSE?

oh AZ never change!!

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Is that like when young Chinese ladies come to the US and pick a new name? Generally, in my experience, "Jennifer."

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I hope it wasn't rush hour. I can just see the folks packing in behind her, and about half way up realizing maybe that wasn't such a hot idea.

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if you're on a mac, how did you do that?

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And, according to NPR radio moments ago, Vin Diesel.

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