I think it's libel but Ianal ... also I'm not a lawyer.

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This guy still isn't dead yet? Is there no justice in the world? Doesn't God need another old white wanker in heaven?

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I wonder if HuffPo should countersue for all the Ameros for defaming them in the text of his lawsuit.

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Oh, there are lot of reasons "Plaintiff Arpaio has been the subject of widespread ridicule and humiliation and has suffered severe loss of reputation, which has in turn also caused him pain and financial damage."

Lots and lots of reasons.

There's his entire lifelong body of work. There's everything he's ever said and ever done.

Just for starters.

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I was thinking Trump would ask him to be his Chief of Staff. Obvs he doesnt have a real job any more, and needs the money, and he and Trump love eachother. Seems like a match made in the hell of an Arizona summer.

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Psst. Larry. Donald Trump's looking for a new lawyer. His is out of circulation for the next 36 months.

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He's still climate adjusting for the particularly hot corner of hell he'll be deposited into. Luckily global warming is helping hasten the process along.

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Arpaio = Convicted Criminal Scum

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After seeing the trailers, I have no intention of seeing Vice. I don't care how amazing the performances are, I don't see the entertainment value of looking at that godawful sneer for two fucking hours.

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speaking of total fucking morons, FL rears it's ugly head;


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'Loss of reputation.'Maybe it's just me, but if I were Sheriff Joe I'd WELCOME the loss of his particular reputation.

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Great comment!! It must be terrifying for those Christians that believe in Hell as a hot and burning place. I live in Northern California and we are adjusting to idea pretty well.

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Since he's a Republican, which means automatically in Russia's pocket, shouldn't that be converted to spudnicks?

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And unlike his suit, theirs would have a basis in fact. It's even written down. Is that slander or libel?

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The only reputation that he had was that of a racist asshole. How can that reputation be damaged?

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I prefer the Norse 'hell.' Cuz I have warm boots and long underwear and some nifty scarves.

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