Back in 1993, Joe Arpaio -- the Arizona sheriff most likely to keep a lamp made of human skin in his sunroom -- established a "Tent City" in which to house prisoners in Maricopa County Jail.
Those little flags on the pink jail clothes will fix everything right there. If you believe that, I have a beautiful bridge I would be willing to sell to you.
I have never had a good experience in all the times I've been to Phoenix. Sheesh, I'm from Texas, and I think Phoenix is worse than the deepest fried environs of East Texas. East Texas is at least prettier to look at and the people aren't as much of bigoted morons.
While I have visited Arizona and find that part of America one of the most strikingly beautiful areas, this is why I would never consider living there. This man is in the position he is in, doing the things he's doing, because a majority of the voters of Marcopa County have clearly stated that they want him doing the things he does. With votes!
This makes me wonder why our domestic terrorists don't go after scumbags like that Arpaio scumbag. He's the one who should be in prison for what he's doing.
Not exactly. Like Gov. LePuke in Maine, Arpaio's people often get a third-party candidate to run in the race to syphon off the votes of rational Republicans (getting fewer and fewer these days) and make sure they don't vote for the Demonrat candidate. Then, presto!, he wins. Also, Helen Purcell, Maricopa's County Recorder has a long history of "losing" the voter registration forms of citizens with Latino names, "accidentally" dropping long-time voters off the rolls, changing polling places at the last minute, and other tricks of the TeaOP trade. The "vote" is hardly fair.
In fact, Purcell only assigned 60 polling place in the whole county (which is the same size as the entire state of Connecticut), down from 400 in 2008 (when far fewer people lived in the county). She made this decision despite being told repeatedly, even by other Republicans, that it was a mistake. When asked how she determined where they would go, she said she and her deputy "looked at a map." While she says she apologizes for the recent election-day fiasco, she refuses to resign the post she has held for 28 years. Purcell never reveals her age on bio materials but the Kansas native is surely in her 80s.
The elderly sheriff Joe spends an inordinate amount of the taxpayers money on his department's "posse," a horde of oldsters (mostly from Sun City) who get free county cars and other perks to tour around with their idol showing off their rights to open carry. They are largely responsible for the GOTV effort on Arpaio's behalf and many of them appear to be on the county payroll for no other reason. The county has also spent tens of millions of dollars defending Arpaio from lawsuits filed against him, most of which he loses and then the county has to pay damages.
It's a problem that the citizens have never revolted to the point of impeaching this sociopath, but you'll still never convince me the MAJORITY of Maricopa Co. residents actually approve of this old wanker.
It's wrong to say "the feds don't give a shit about what this asshole does." They care very much. And while the federal lawsuit charging Arpaio with multiple crimes is a long slog, it is proceeding and he is losing badly. Last year he and several of his deputies admitted to violating a federal judge's orders to cease detaining people purely on the basis of suspicion that they may be in the country illegally and he has already lost that case. What's happening now is his appeal. It's unfortunate that IS his civil right when he abuses so many other people's, but in fact it is. U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow has made it pretty clear there's not much the sheriff's lawyers can do to sway his mind, but Arpaio continues to draw this out, probably trying to keep a jail sentence on hold until after he runs for reelection again this November.
He is taking advantage of all the rights at his disposal to appeal the rulings against him. It's going badly for him, however, and it while it's taking a long time for him to get the penalties he deserves for abusing the civil rights of many citizens, he will eventually get what's coming to him. The only way he can escape punishment is by dying, which sad to say he might do before the wheels of justice grind to a halt.
Those are the mouthbreathers.
And then there are those who are so educated that they can't acknowledge that they themselves are full of shit.
With votes...
Those little flags on the pink jail clothes will fix everything right there. If you believe that, I have a beautiful bridge I would be willing to sell to you.
I have never had a good experience in all the times I've been to Phoenix. Sheesh, I'm from Texas, and I think Phoenix is worse than the deepest fried environs of East Texas. East Texas is at least prettier to look at and the people aren't as much of bigoted morons.
That's how bad Phoenix is.
Maybe it's time we started making these officials personally liable when they create policies that result in death.
That looks disturbingly like Liberace. But not enough sequins.
Where was this guy back in 1940?
They could haved used him in some real concentration camps in Germany.
People in his state, people in the country of America.
Therefore Donald Trump.
Way to go Joe! More of us love you than not! Keep up the good work //People stop crying, and don't get in trouble. Problem solved ...
While I have visited Arizona and find that part of America one of the most strikingly beautiful areas, this is why I would never consider living there. This man is in the position he is in, doing the things he's doing, because a majority of the voters of Marcopa County have clearly stated that they want him doing the things he does. With votes!
This makes me wonder why our domestic terrorists don't go after scumbags like that Arpaio scumbag. He's the one who should be in prison for what he's doing.
Not exactly. Like Gov. LePuke in Maine, Arpaio's people often get a third-party candidate to run in the race to syphon off the votes of rational Republicans (getting fewer and fewer these days) and make sure they don't vote for the Demonrat candidate. Then, presto!, he wins. Also, Helen Purcell, Maricopa's County Recorder has a long history of "losing" the voter registration forms of citizens with Latino names, "accidentally" dropping long-time voters off the rolls, changing polling places at the last minute, and other tricks of the TeaOP trade. The "vote" is hardly fair.
In fact, Purcell only assigned 60 polling place in the whole county (which is the same size as the entire state of Connecticut), down from 400 in 2008 (when far fewer people lived in the county). She made this decision despite being told repeatedly, even by other Republicans, that it was a mistake. When asked how she determined where they would go, she said she and her deputy "looked at a map." While she says she apologizes for the recent election-day fiasco, she refuses to resign the post she has held for 28 years. Purcell never reveals her age on bio materials but the Kansas native is surely in her 80s.
The elderly sheriff Joe spends an inordinate amount of the taxpayers money on his department's "posse," a horde of oldsters (mostly from Sun City) who get free county cars and other perks to tour around with their idol showing off their rights to open carry. They are largely responsible for the GOTV effort on Arpaio's behalf and many of them appear to be on the county payroll for no other reason. The county has also spent tens of millions of dollars defending Arpaio from lawsuits filed against him, most of which he loses and then the county has to pay damages.
It's a problem that the citizens have never revolted to the point of impeaching this sociopath, but you'll still never convince me the MAJORITY of Maricopa Co. residents actually approve of this old wanker.
It's wrong to say "the feds don't give a shit about what this asshole does." They care very much. And while the federal lawsuit charging Arpaio with multiple crimes is a long slog, it is proceeding and he is losing badly. Last year he and several of his deputies admitted to violating a federal judge's orders to cease detaining people purely on the basis of suspicion that they may be in the country illegally and he has already lost that case. What's happening now is his appeal. It's unfortunate that IS his civil right when he abuses so many other people's, but in fact it is. U.S. District Court Judge G. Murray Snow has made it pretty clear there's not much the sheriff's lawyers can do to sway his mind, but Arpaio continues to draw this out, probably trying to keep a jail sentence on hold until after he runs for reelection again this November.
He is taking advantage of all the rights at his disposal to appeal the rulings against him. It's going badly for him, however, and it while it's taking a long time for him to get the penalties he deserves for abusing the civil rights of many citizens, he will eventually get what's coming to him. The only way he can escape punishment is by dying, which sad to say he might do before the wheels of justice grind to a halt.
Idiot banhammered, comment left in place for further mockery.
Arapio isn't even running a prison. It's a county jail. Most of the people there have not been found guilty, or are serving misdomenor sentences.