Waaaay too much gasoline is not one of his conservative principles.

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The Repubican approach to health care is "saying 'no' makes you feel better".

If they repeal Health <i>Insurance</i> Reform, I hope they have the courage to then enact a Congressional Insurance Plan that only covers 85% of members at a time, randomly adding and dropping families periodically. Of course, the congressbots are healthier and wealthier than most Americans, so the impact will be softened. But I want to be a fly on the wall when Joe Barton is told his wife Terri* has treatable cancer and no coverage because of her pre-existing condition. _____________________ <i>* sorry Mrs Barton, I hope you are healthy. But please have a word with your husband on behalf of men and women who lose loved ones every fucking day because of a "weird feeling" that may cost their families hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands of dollar to diagnose or treat</i>

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i am still waiting for anything joe barton was right about.

(sorry for the dangling participle).

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And don't get Joe started on those 'water-conserving' toilets! Now he has to flush <b>3 times!</b>

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I'm sure your love for them is because of their energy saving value, but many others have probably discovered other wonderful uses for the curly glass part. Also.

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When you're as full of shit as George Will, no normal toilet is enough.

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I know, right? And yet....rampant, institutionalized racism, American children living in poverty, industrial pollution...? Couldn't be bothered.

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I'm not going to argue that point, since Barton was also elected in 2008.

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Barton also apologized to Hurricane Katrina for its loss of wind speed while destroying parts of New Orleans.

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Dear Youth of America,

See what happens when you don't vote? Assholes win elections.



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Of topic, unless the topic is Stupid People (it usually is), but <a href="http:\/\/www.thedailyshow.com\/watch\/mon-november-8-2010\/moment-of-zen---wonder-woman-on-crime" target="_blank">when you've got Steve Doocy looking at you like you're a moron, you've got to know whatever you just said hit a whole new level of stupid</a>.

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