Mom jokes?

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Absolutely. That's another ongoing discussion that I hope we make some progress on soon.

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We had a sign: check out time is 18.

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Needz moar Jonesing.

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Biden took a sip of water WITH ONE HAND OMG

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Same. So happy for my kid-having coworkers, tho!

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Love that album

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OUR money From OUR tax dollars!

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"You'll never get past the flight attendants."

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I missed this; asshole didn't use an ASL interpreter? What a petty, fucking, dick move that was.

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That's not funny -

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Same. Don't give me shit, give it to someone who needs it.

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This is how low the bar is.

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Look up! It's a beaver!

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I don't have any kiddos, so this doesn't apply to me, but damn. I keep thinking of all the folks I served when volunteering at the food pantry a few years ago. The difference this will make! (Now let's do something for the elderly and disabled who survive on $700 a month in SSI.) .... And also a cousin of mine, who has 3 kids, aged 17, 14 and 3...she's a hardworking PCA with a significant other who's a roofer but has had some serious health issues over the last year so he's only been working sporadically. The effects of this extra $$ will be immeasurable.

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