If there's one thing the Clintons have absolutely zero compunctions about, it's raising money to fund their Presidential porn collections, nefarious parking-lot murder plots, and cynical seduction of "hard-working white Americans." So it's kind of amazing that Hillary Clinton isn't just sending out her own goddamn fundraising letters and leaving our precious Barry and Joe out of her shameful shillery, but there you have it: Vice President-elect Joe Biden is issuing a fundraising appeal for the Secretary of State-to-be, who needs dollars to pay off the "hard-working individuals and small businesses" (read: Mark Penn and the Bilderberg Group) who helped her tour Florida and Michigan shouting about DISENFRANCHISEMENT long after she'd lost any realistic hope of winning the Democratic nomination.
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Joe Biden Begs For Hot $$$ For Hillary
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If there's one thing the Clintons have absolutely zero compunctions about, it's raising money to fund their Presidential porn collections, nefarious parking-lot murder plots, and cynical seduction of "hard-working white Americans." So it's kind of amazing that Hillary Clinton isn't just sending out her own goddamn fundraising letters and leaving our precious Barry and Joe out of her shameful shillery, but there you have it: Vice President-elect Joe Biden is issuing a fundraising appeal for the Secretary of State-to-be, who needs dollars to pay off the "hard-working individuals and small businesses" (read: Mark Penn and the Bilderberg Group) who helped her tour Florida and Michigan shouting about DISENFRANCHISEMENT long after she'd lost any realistic hope of winning the Democratic nomination.