Eh, probably not so much outlasted as genocided. Humans aren't known for being nice to other large mammals, except for the ones that submit to our rule.

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Probably weird linguistic question: Is there a gender excluding pronoun that only applies to the genderless?

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There are numerous arguments for going vegetarian* - cost of food, moral sensitivity for other animals, aesthetics, largely healthier diet, etc, but this one is becoming ever-more pressing: raising animals for food is becoming more ecologically destructive/expensive.

* Except "we are descended from vegetarian apes and our digestive system can't handle meat". That one's bogus.

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Yep. It was the omnivorous meat-eating apes who outlasted the vegetarian ones.

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The inherent problem is right in your first line - many of these ''institutions'' long ago stopped being news sources, and are often just gossip sources bordering on ''reality'' TV shows.And part of ''reality'' shows seems to be that they MUST have a view, even if some (or ANY) of them don't believe it.

The major broadcast TV networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC at one point actually told the TRUTH about the news, no matter what their own political views, or the political views of the network heads. But with the coming of cable TV, and later the internet and consolidation of many TV networks with big business (nearly all owned my right-wing people or groups) totally upended the ideas of decency and honesty.

But money does win. It's fairly well-known that ComcastNBC is run by a group of riightwingers, but they know that MSNBC does pull in liberal viewers and they makes them advertising bucks galore. But that didn't stop them from talking Sunday NBC Meet the Press right-wing scumbag Fuck Scrod and give him a daily show on MSNBC.

In a different way, when Rupert Murdoch owned Fox (the broadcast entertainment channel, now owned by Disney - NOT the cable Fox News), some of the most liberal TV entertainment show were on that network, and at one time Fox had the most shows with black people on them in TV history. Unlike other companies, Murdoch put his views only on the cable ''news'' network, and let the entertainment channel earn big advertising bucks.

But with the continuing unimportance of local broadcast TV stations. and people flocking to watching "TV' and "information" on a 5-inch "phone", is it any surprise that an extremely duped public great to help rule over the country? - a country where the Biden/Harris admin may only be a brief respite...

ADDENDUM: Fixed a few typos, but also, don't know what the heck I meant by the word 'great' in the last paragraph above.

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We had a big solar installation completed this week. Doing our part I guess

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Superdouche meets superkiller... Ron DeathSantis... for a super-stupid idea

"Elon Musk: Dig tunnels as solution for traffic jams in this Florida city SpaceX founder speaks with Gov. DeSantis about idea"

As one commenter said...

"We can't have basements under houses because of the aquifer but sure, let's build a tunnel."


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We need millions like her. I'm very hopeful when I contemplate Trump being gone, and Greta still here.

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It's gender neutral. I'll take it.

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Ms. O and I eat a lot of stir-fry, and we'd add half a boneless, skinless chicken breast for protein. After finding out how truly horrific the meatpacking industry is thanks to the pandemic, we've substituted tofu because we'd like to reduce our financial input into that industry.

Of course, we're not exactly pure. Still eat bacon and pepperoni.

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Were there hard drive crashes? That's usually necessary for a lot of people to get religion on backups.

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I think it's time for us to rip a page from the rightwing playbook and start using whataboutism. Whatever the right's going to bitch about, we can point to the most egregious crap the previous administration did without a peep from these "leaders".

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Don't forget beer. it's affected as well.

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That new ethernet to thunderbolt cable cannot arrive soon enough. I keep losing my connection to the internet, and it pisses me the fuck off. Sigh. First world problems.

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In addition to what DDB says, I'd like to point out that most of the talking heads doing the criticizing are on shows that are not "news" but legally classified as "entertainment/opinion". So they're trying to do a bit of a dodge there, since they feature the "News" logo prominently on their screens.

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we kind of live in a third world country when it comes to the intertubes (this was meant for comment above...)

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