Although him sending in jack booted thugs reinforces his racism

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It's really too bad that no one taught white males how to share - maybe they all skipped Kindergarten

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On the one hand, Wilson was super racist, even for his time. Like even his contemporaries would go "whoa, that dude is racist."On the other hand, like we'd ever elect some guy named "Woodrow". Pfft.

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I can't believe people are still attacking our first President* of Unnatural Color.

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I don't know how openly racist Nixon was. We know of his racism because we have heard recordings of what he regarded as private conferences.

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It's like people forget Jefferson wrote Notes on Virginia where he talks about how white men are superior to Black people and therefore Black people were designed to be subjugated and enslaved.

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It was extraordinarily clumsily worded by Joe (get used to that), but it is a fact that even counting Nixon's racist 1968 "law and order" campaign (which targeted The Hippies as well as The Blacks), Donald is the first president to have run for and won a term in office solely on race, race, race, race, race.

He is the first president to try for a second term with an even more blatant appeal to race.

This time around, The Wall and diseases and those people and federal judges who shouldn't be allowed to serve because they're Mexican don't even begin to sum up the environment.

This time, Donald is running on Confederate flags and violent, masked Night Riders, and crummy cast zinc statues of 19th century war criminals and also (hat tip to Andrew Sullivan) on the creepy, Charles Murrayesque race theories of genetic white superiority that have been mainstreamed into Republican politics.

Donald is boosted every step of the way by the virulently racist Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch and their white supremacist prime time lineup at Fox.

Even Reagan, even factoring in the whole "young bucks and welfare queens" code, ran also too on fiscal policy, tax cutting, deregulation, and military might. Even Nixon ran on trade, rapprochement with countries behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains, and saving our environment from polluters.

Donald just doesn't even bother with anything else but race. He doesn't have to.

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He didn't run for president by promising to impose a particularly disgusting form of segregation on the federal government.

Wilson ran on the 14 Points. Donald is running on the 14 words.

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We were told by the statue police that Washington was the first racist president. And Jefferson the second.

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Also, and too--Trump and his supporters like to scream about the Act he signed with Kanye and Kim.

An act he has purposely been defunding to where there's nothing for it in the budget. Panem et circuses or however you spell it.

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They didn’t forget.

Get accustomed to transparent and desperate attempts to explain why Biden’s gaffes aren’t actually gaffes. Because the future of humanity depends on it (or something).

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I've never felt that Wallace ending up at the other end of a bullet made him suddenly change his mind about racism and segregation. I think it had more to do with him wanting to run for governor again, and his realization that Blacks in Alabama could now vote in droves. He was just being another pandering politician.

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Certainly no other President rose to political stature by accusing the then incumbent POTUS of being a non-"American" African (and Muslim).

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Yeah... watch Trump paint our Democracy the way Mr. Bean painted his living room.

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I will quibble here: I think it has always been a divide and conquer ideology. In order to keep the 1% in power/money forever you must not let the disenfranchised 99% unite and overthrow the existing class divide (which is back to the “Gilded Age” level of class divide on every possible metric...and why they call it the “Gilded Age” is maddening to me. It was one of the ugliest periods in history). There are plenty of political cartoons that show it better than I can write it...but it all comes down to a kind of shell game where pitting “races” against each other, demonizing women, nationalism, and using the concept of religion as a weapon are used to keep a handful of corrupt oligarchs/super wealthy in power. And really it is just old men (not all of them “white”) who will never feel safe even as they destroy the world in that effort. There was a study done on CEOs and it was determined that most CEOs of really large companies are essentially sociopaths. This is why the world is the way it is....sociopaths have been ruling it for millennias.

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Don't you worry about the Statue Police. I heard they're just a bunch of straw men.

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