Weird how you have to capitalize stuff that doesn't need it. Also weird how you look down on people needing meds and psych help, of which I don't need any and have none, gaslighting fuck.

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I only get my news from Stephen

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Yes! Thanks. I miss the updates.

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You are fucking misogynist trash and should see yourself out, asshole.

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Ya got downvoted for being a misogynist shit and calling Feinstein a whore. Go take your offended fee fees elsewhere.

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Did i insult you, little miss shit-for-brains? (I did now... whoppee).

"Misogyny" Hows that work? "Corporate Whores" are Corporate Whores. They can be of either sex who take money from Corporations to do their bidding...

Fienstien has always been a corporate Whore, you little mealy-potty-mouthed, dirty girl.

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Oh fuck off on your concern troll for civility, bigot. It's a misogynist thing to say to a woman, pube.

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Likewise, dirty mouthed little girl.

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Oh take a pill. As I said, Ms. Word Police, ""Misogyny" Hows that work? "Corporate Whores" are Corporate Whores. They can be of either sex who take money from Corporations to do their bidding..."

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a- I'm not a little girl, dickless.b- I ain't little. c- even in your comebacks, you are a misogynist piece of shit.

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You know... I never insulted you, you little shit-for-dumbassery... I called her a Corporate Whore. Too bad you are to vapidly vacant to understand that, shithead.

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If you have to ask how misogyny works when multiple people call you out on it, then you are being a misogynist shit.

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Lol, even your insults as poorly spelled as they are rely on misogyny. Crawl back under your rock, bigot.

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But Dark Shadows Every Day blog important mad angry

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Not a fan of misogyny, pube.

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Damn clever retort, Jenny. I'm dazzled by your superior reasoning and lofty personal definitions of morality. keep it up... it's fun to watch you foam a the mouth.


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