Hooray. BFD.

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When I was a young warthog .... in HR, my favourite memory is a symposium held on retaining top talent by addressing stress in the workplace. The speaker called BS on the cries of stress from C-suiters, because funny thing: they're not that stressed. They will say there are, and claim to be the hardest working people, but when you quantify the facts: they have more time off, more money, access to first class travel, maid service, all of that, and then compare it the lives of those who work below them, it doesn't add up. Their talk of stress from working hard is just .... class kibitzing. Hoo boy my VP boss was mad.

TL;DR turns out money CAN buy happiness, it's just these top-tier poseurs gotta front about grinding so they look good for the puff piece and the board review.

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When the kids get older, he'll be even worse, singing his epic song of his great sacrifices while he was doing the bare minimum.

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Danny Kaye > Adam Sandler Imagine the youngsters that only know Sandler, but not Kaye?

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My son sent me an article from the Times this morning because a former schoolmate of his wrote it. ((((named Alex Yablon)))). But the article-- it's about how we could pay for a profound Green New Deal, for all the future. By using existing financial structures-- like Fannie Mae, and obscure things I never heard of-- available to states and cities. It was completely reminiscent of the New Deal and the GOP will be appalled.Near the end he said, Senator Lankford opposes it because the Federal Reserve is competent, not because it's incompetent.What can the payoff for Senator Lankford possibly be? I ask myself. All those places that won't get flooding disasters, needing annual disaster aid? All those deaths from fire out here in the West? WTF Senator Lankford and the bffs?

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Rave on, dude!!

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I remember riding a plane when I was maybe 20-21 years old. A nearby 2-year old was doing what 2-year-olds do. Guy in my row mutters something like, "If I had a kid, they'd never cry on a plane."

Even at that age, I knew that was a remarkably stupid thing to say. My eyes practically rolled out of my head, though I didn't say anything.

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It is all going to end up in Bezos' pocket anyway!

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That's the same guy who would complain about the mom breastfeeding her infant on the plane SO IT WOULDN'T CRY.

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We always took our babies and toddlers to restaurants (and bars, sshhhhhh). Babies could usually be passed around and remain quiet without either of us having to get up, but we ALWAYS took toddlers (and occasionally older kids) outside the restaurant if they were having a meltdown until they calmed enough to rejoin the table. They always knew why we were going outside, and we always went back afterward. My kids are 8 and 12 and we still get compliments on their abilities to be respectful in restaurants. And we don't usually hand over the phone or tablet, either. Drives me crazy to see kids staring at screens at the dinner table. They'll never learn to be around adults if you don't teach them.

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WFH with a very fussy six-month old. At this point I would take Siberia.

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So if I cry, I kin haz ise Kreem?

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I grew up with 'crying rooms' in theaters - usually about 8 seats and the sound piped in. This was a really, really long time ago

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How do you think it should be done if not the IRS?

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But less than Donnie. Everybody must have less than Donnie!

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