Shivaskeeper, reply in wrong place, won't let me change!


Tough bit to chew. (Awfuk! It broke again!)

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The ground here practically cuts itself! And it's all dark and sticky and stuff, like it's not half lime and there's hardly any gravel or caliche no matter how far down I dig. Wild.

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NO SHIT!I went online yesterday to check out where to get free corona testing. Long story short, I can’t get a test until next Tuesday. Of course if I’m willing to pay $200-$300 I can get one immediately and get my results back in 24-48 hours. And they wonder why this shit is spreading like wildfire. I’m in Ft Wayne- not exactly a backwater burgh- and I can’t get a test for a week. Meanwhile if you have symptoms they advise you to miss work.

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Something about red/green color perception.

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"My Shit Don't Stink! Whew!"

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I think time will pass a lot faster, knowing someone is making the decisions that need to be made for our country, leaving us with less to worry about, on the grand-scale of things. More mind-time for all the other things in life besides destruction, survival and futilism.

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Scrap for parts!

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The time is going to come in because in some cases the tech isn't up to snuff, or isn't even there yet. For instance the 3rd largest producer of greenhouse gasses, after the US and China, is global concrete production. Unfortunately concrete is literally the building block of society. Things like that are not going to be solved anytime soon.

Of course there are other things as well where the tech either needs to be advanced a lot more than it is, or the price points need to come way down to make it accessible to the masses. Electric vehicles are good. But out of the price range of most people. With little to no charging infrastructure out side of a few major markets. Until the price comes down, and either the range can be extended, or quick charging stations go broad market, they aren't all that useful yet.

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Actually, reply to baconzgood!

Both about the same. Both limit mankind's future survival, as well as other species'. Plastics are more prevalant, I think, because someone who doesn't have a car, ride public transit, fly, etc. Has to buy so many items w/plastic. A box of cereal, completely healthy, has a plastic bag in it.Cigarette/tobacco pouches, cellophane. Eventually, (our lifetime?),the newly discovered materials, bio-friendly, will start to resolve the manufacturing end.

Meanwhile, there's the clean-up, salvaging, re-cycling and disposal/ containment to be faced and dealt with, as well. To be weller.

It's in the water, it's in the food.

All the carbon waste, burning, release, etc. is equally suffocating, strangulating and morphing species into a struggle for survival.

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(See comment below/above, setting-dependent)

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Get a room!

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Please! Get a room!Thanx!

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Warp-Drive Plasma/Ion Pulse ECM Stealth!

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But it looks and sounds good, huh? How much$

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It was actually Pa's

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And da' shwaz!

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