Does that make Brady an Expat?

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Huh. I give a shit about kids after they're born (they're not kids before birth), and I never even had any.

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Ha! Yep!

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Because who would dis. Marvin Gaye.

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Gah! The Economist thinks America needs to go back to being the World's Policeman despite the fact most of our current problems arose from that kind of policy in the past. That, and we can't have nice things because we gotta feed the MIC.

Between that and their insistence that unbridled capitalism is the cure to all of the world's ills, the bastards drive me nuts. If their coverage of foreign politics wasn't so good, I would cancel my subscription.

I might do it anyway.

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Some fool is going to be parted from their money.

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The Business of America is Business, dammit!

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I think it depends on the context."Hey Jesus! Those slutty womens walking around give me sinful thoughts!" "Guess you'd better get rid of your eyes then."

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This problem with replacing lead pipes for drinking water with something safe deserves super cleanup funds.

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The Romans didn't hate their's, and look at how well their empire is doing!

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Lucky the Leprechaun's original catchphrase.

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"A 50s thing"...no! In the mid 60's the little central Nebraska town that my Dad grew up in was arguing whether or not to add Fluoride to their water supply.

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Well, Well, Well. Guess who changed his plead from not-guilty to guilty in the federal case against him.A plead change that caps his additional sentence to 2.5 years.

MEBBE????? Probably!!!!!!

Could it be that,1) He knows that he is actually guilty2) He knows that the prosecution has the evidence to prove their case beyond a resonable doubt.



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You forgot crocs as big as city buses. And the Cassowary bird that can eviscerate you with a kick or split your skull with a head-butt, depending on its mood that day.

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Gym makes a bag of hammers look smart.

And easier to deal with. He's such a shouty little asshole.

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He should still have tax charges, too.

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