My point exactly.

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[snark] Bread, shmead! Will this Bidenius person offer us the constant circuses that Donaldus Trumpius Caesar offers? [/snark]

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I wonder what set him off. I mean, it's one thing to be a sexist asshole, but to go off on what now appears to be a killing spree and then take your own life at age 72 had to have been triggered by something. Did he realize that he'd wasted his life in pursuit of stupid causes and decide to go out in a spectacular fashion?

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LOL! Me laughing LONG time.

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The future. We will all learn to google for folks refurbishing parts, we will go back to stuff that lasts, and is repairable. Also basic technical skill becomes respected again.

On a positive note, quite some time ago my washing machine broke down. Being kinda hands on I googled the make and type and got a hit right away with the most common point of failure, and where to buy the refurbished part, 50ish$ + shipping. Took longer to un/redo the zillion screws but the machine is still working fine.

Now for the good part. Lost my job (financial crisis era) and decided that i was done with desk/computer jobs but having been away from hands on technical stuff for a long time that seemed like a long shot. TL DR, i mentioned my appliance repair skills as relevant experience (only a little lie) and voila, i'm earning a good living doing fun stuff ever since.

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But we didn't even get the oil!!!

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Good Trouble requires rest


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No, but the plan was to use the oil to pay for the war. The fact that the oil didn't belong to us didn't seem to bother anyone.

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I think I speak for almost every Canadian (we have our Covidiot/No Lives Matter jerks, too) when I say that we are sad to watch as our closest neighbours and friends (and family) are taken down by a confederacy of dunces.

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Yup, we are mistaken for Americans, which is why we sew Canadian flag patches on our luggage/bags.

The best part of being mistaken for an American is the warm welcome you get when you tell them that you are actually Canadian.

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RIP Neil Pert!

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I'm an adult now!

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I am getting excited about Joe. I know (believe me I KNOW) that there are hard times ahead before Joe takes the oath and there will be hard times after he takes the oath, but then things will start turning around. Even a little hope can create a big change.

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I was presuming responsible parents for certain

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oh sure, the democrat party wants to spend all this money to take care of our children and old people, but not a dime to take care of our confederate statues. typical

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