All of which is why they've expended such considerable effort over the last five years to goad him into such anger.

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That's right. He's rich? In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola.

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Who is this Exeunt Omnes character? He doesn't seem to have any lines.

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Call? If that's ok. Beggers (in my case) can't be choosers.

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Goof grief. Props. The original article still says "the 2012 cycle"...

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He means he's still privately seething that Obama failed to give him the opportunity to publish the column he's had in waiting for years about how the President's an Angry Black Man.

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Ell o ell.

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Also why he needs to interrupt his kid's baseball game so he can take the limo to the helicopter 100 yards away.

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You could be an .05%-er, and we'd still want you to stick around. You exhibit the three things that are important here: Unrestrained snark...solid smarts...and a strong sense of anti-douchebaggery.

See, with those other folks, it's not the money...it's the douchebag.

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No, they want to preserve the lop-sided distribution, while changing which side they're on.

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Maybe he wanted Obama to yell about eliminating a trillion dollar deficit by cutting a few billion in education spending and aid to the poor, and leaving the trillion dollar defense budget and corporate tax breaks intact.

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This is why the phrase "useful idiots" exists.

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ChristyKreem, watching poll numbers crash:

Well Mitty...this is another fine mess you got us into!

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Expecting consistency out of these douchebags is about as viable as expecting facts or logic.

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You know...I'd have a much easier time with the 1%-ers if they weren't, on the whole, such douchebags.

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This needs a photoshop.

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