Listening to NPR try to spin this as bad economic news would be comical were it not so corrosive.

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How is Biden at fault for struggling financial statuses? I thought Repubs blamed all the lazies themselves for not bootstrapping themselves to work three full-time jerbs at once.

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Meanwhile, the corn is growing. It will soon be as high as a horrible political party's stylized animal icon's eye.

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Families have more money to spend but many children still complain that allowances are too low - NYT

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Republicans acted as if Biden had personally denied Americans their omelettes.

TFG is crying in his ketchup at the Mar-a-Lardo omelette bar.

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Eliane Kamarck is a hack apologist for third way democrats

This is not typical inflation that raising interest will fully tame.

This is greedflation. Companies jacking up prices to boost profits. Because they can do to lack of competition and regulation

Manufacturing scarcity after Years of offshoring made supply chains vulnerable to disruption, And wringing out extra capacity and inventory to boost cash flow

Need to give the SEC its teeth back to bust up monopolies. And reinstate the windfall profit tax to reign in the disaster capitalism profit taking

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but if PAB had been in charge there would have been no inflation, no Ukraine war and all the people would have jobs but not had to pay taxes and all the kids would have gotten rainbow unicorn ponies for their birthdays

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Yeah. NPR’s both siderism, drive by reporting and catering to the right has become unbearable

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Nice Polite Republicans.

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“(Seriously, 2022 inflation and gas prices only underscore how miraculous it is that Democrats fended off a substantial red wave.)”Because Rethuglifascists are so good at “economy”, obviously. People, and particularly “conservative” people are so fucking stupid that it is unbelievable. Of course they are enabled by some “independents” who would rather have fascism than pay a little extra for eggs or gasoline (which they’ll be paying extra for anyway, once the economy collapses, if they can find any), and the “stay-at-homes” who just cannot force themselves to vote for “imperfect” Democrats.

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I’ve worked two jobs for 20 years and I’ve never known anything but paycheck to paycheck. But I’m all about seeing the positive. If somebody robs me of my life savings I’m out 10 bucks! Sorry thieves, you’re gonna have to split that value meal at McDonalds!!

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“…all the kids would have gotten rainbow WHITE unicorn ponies for their birthdays.”

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One benefit of higher interest rates are boomers finally retiring. My cohort, that graduated college into the first Bush recession, work lousy jobs for a few years before going to grad school only to finish during the second Bush recession, are finally able to move into management positions.

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