Let's kick the racist, homophobic, profoundly anti-Christian Chick-Filet monsters off all our trade deals. If anyone wants to eat that fatty, salty, hormone-laden subsidized garbage, why not patronize a chain that isn't based on murderous, hateful motives?

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What core value should drive trade deals?

I don't know. But even it were welfare of children it would not be an easy call.

Removing Uganda, Central African Republic, Gabon, and Niger cost us nothing. It seems like an easy win. Will it hurt their population? Will it push more kids into poverty? Will an increase in local poverty lead to increased military conflict? Or are they so corrupt that it will not matter? I honesty do not know. I mean, none of them are World Champion Chaos Fuckups like N Korea or Somalia. So presumably there will be some effect. And, as you know, avoiding a global/African famine from the destruction of Ukraine is still an on-going effort.

I am just saying it is really fucking complicated. Being gay is a death penalty offense in Saudi Arabia, and just to prove it is not a Sunni/Shia thing, in Iran. It is illegal in a hella lot of places. You want to end our long alliance with democratic Kenya? Should we have stopped aid to Gaza when gay men were being executed? (https://www.fairplanet.org/story/death-penalty-homosexualty-illegal/) Alot of those countries also practice child "marriage" which is sexual slavery of the most brutal kind.

The goal of integrating China in the world economy was based on the idea that it would lead to peace. This theory, badly expressed, was "no two nations with a mcDonalds have gone to war with each other". And thus far, it maybe seems to have sort of worked. Russia - economic basket case mob syndicate with a gas station - invaded Ukraine. China has not invaded Taiwan.

And China has vastly reduced child poverty. The rural poverty rate in China was gone from 90+ percent in 1980 to (googles) 6% now. That is a hell of alot of starving children. Hundreds of millions of children who are not hungry, who go to school, and who can read. The policies were communist. The money came from trade.


I support Biden's decision but your recommendation is more populist rhetoric not policy proposal.

Here is a policy proposal I support: ending child marriage in the US, and not recognizing child marriages made in other countries.

That is easy.



Trade is hard.

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Why does god hate the gays?

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Only the Republican god -- a triune godhead, of Greed, Ignorance, and Violence.

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"*I would argue against the idea that China is actually a communist country, or that there has ever actually been a communist country"

You have no idea how nice it is to see this in writing. I been sayin' this FOREVER...

A 'left wing' political ideology that is enforced through right wing fascist means ceases to be anything remotely 'left wing'.

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How is this not just, "Communism can not fail it can only be failed"?

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I would argue that premade political ideologies shouldn't be used as a model for creating just societies. Just societies need to be built from the ground up. Just do things that help people, and keep doing that and improving on it, and then you can call whatever it is that you have at the end of the whole process whatever you want to call it. Stick a feather in your hat and call it macaroni. Too much of an obsession with scripts and buzz words.

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Fucking THIS!

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OG Marxism implies "the withering away of the state," so China is not that. But not to forget the original National Socialists were unionist agitators against the entrenched propertarian Feudalists. They were on "the left" in the day.

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We could break China in a week. Just stop buying all the crap.

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What would we win?

A war and lots of death?

Hundreds of millions of Chinese kids go back to poverty?

Is there an actual win there?

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Biden is so classy, compassionate, empathetic, he doesn't even call Trump a fat ass orange idiot. Look at the picture leading this post. Biden with killer grin, trim body, perfectly tailored suit.

A President to be proud of, and far beyond his looks.

Biden also doesn't get laughed at (on cam) by foreign leaders.

I'd love to know what Trump and Putin said in their private meeting in Helsinki, attended only by those two and the translators.

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Yes, dear Robyn, I don't know about ALL of us, but I certainly have "been to enough socialist potlucks to know how that song goes."

How nice for Michigan to have a theological scholar of little Timmy Wahlberg's (R-Hillsdale) stature, a man just as sure that he knows the will of the Universe as is Abu al-Husain al-Husaini al-Quraishi, current leading light of Isis/Isil (you know, the guys who are striving to better the world by overthrowing all the secular governments and installing a universal Caliphate.) One trusts that the member of Congress consulted with the mullahs and imams of Hillsdale College before making such a bold statement of faith on behalf of his constituents, not all of whom are heterosexuals covered in lambs blood.

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Nothing at all chilling about politicians defending cruel policies based on “God.” The founding fathers knew the horrific dangers of allowing any one religion to influence national policy. We have freedom of and freedom from religion here, thankfully. It should be mandatory that all legislators take an oath acknowledging that their beliefs are their own, others are free to believe differently, and that their religion has no role in legislating. It’s part of our constitution. So when politicians start defending cruel policies on the basis of their God, it should be cause for censure or removal.

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If I'm not mistaken, US evangelicals have been instrumental in pushing for homophobic legislation in Africa. The operative question then being 'What do they hope to gain from this?'

And that's really big of Tim to tell Uganda to stand firm when the consequences of doing so will not effect him in even the smallest way.

Tim: "Stand firm."

Gay men everywhere: "We're firm Tim."

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but not for you, Tim

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At socialist potluck, everyone bring potato salad…

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But no raisins!!!!

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Is potato! Da!

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Good on Joe.

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And yet while he loudly defends a few thousand Ugandans he continues to ship weapons and ammunition by the ton to assist Israel with their slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians, half of them children. Not "good on Joe".

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You know I have been upset on this blog when people I had respected started repeating slogans from extremist authoritarian terrorists who are literally holding American hostages that they kidnapped in a horrific day of atrocities, a mass murder/rape/torture rampage. It was upsetting seeing that from people I had respected.

In contrast, I kind of expect this take from Putin's Biggest Fan. Of course.

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Bixby has a Judenhasse problem that he can't suppress.

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There are plenty of Jews who don't support slaughtering unarmed civilians. Personally I don't give a flying flip what religion people follow, if they're killing tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, half of them children, I'm utterly opposed.

You should be too, why aren't you?

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Bixby keeps making up grotesque lies about Israel and endlessly repeating them doesn't make them true. But Bixby will continue to repeat the lies because that is what he does. I'm opposed to the slaughter of civilians and others, especially those civilians that Bixby refuses to see or consider.

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Lies? Over 22,000 confirmed dead so far and 6,700 missing and presumed buried under their homes, over half of them children. So far in Uganda there are 0 confirmed dead and a couple dozen imprisoned because of the law.

Which situation do you think it's more important to address immediately, and why?

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

A comparison I've been making is Trump is responsible for the Covid deaths of an estimated million Americans (probably more.)

He stalled on revealing the virus for a month because he was afraid it might affect his chances for re-election, then we got "It will go away, like magic." and suggestions for injecting bleach.

Trump doesn't care about the lives of Americans, "I don't feel responsible at all."

Where's the moral outrage over that?

Biden is making an effort, has been since the beginning, to stop the war. It might not be enough for some people, but he is making the effort. This war won't end while Netanyahu is in charge, Jews are starting to rise up against him, why not blame him and Hamas?

I really fear young people are seizing on this issue to not vote or vote for third party candidates, it reminds me of the support for Bernie, Bernie and his supporters appeared not to care if Trump won and decimated the Supreme Court.

I saw a smiling young man interviewed on TV last night. When asked by a reporter who he might vote for, he laughed and said neither, both Biden and Trump are terrible. It chilled me to the bone.

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One's a corrupt and incompetent con man/money launderer, while the other is aiding in the massacre of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians. I could hold my nose and cast a vote for Biden in 2020, since he was notably less-terrible. I'm afraid that I can't get past him using my tax dollars to assist the IDF in the murder of over 10,000 children, though. That's a bridge too far for me.

Why do you think it's not a problem? Are you really so shallow that you're willing to let the IDF continue the wanton slaughter (using your tax dollars no less) just so that Team R doesn't win? How about we insist that the DNC give us a candidate who isn't cooperating in war crimes? Or is that too much to ask?

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> Jews are starting to rise up against him, why not blame him and Hamas?

Israelis - including many of the 1.2 million Arabs who have the right to vote - were protesting daily before Oct 7th.

There were massive protests today across the country.

He lost in the courts. He is pushing against elections because he would lose.

As an American I can not, of course, rise up against him.

Thanks for reading.

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I hear that. As we here know they are not even remotely similar. If you can't see that you're not paying attention.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

Here's the point, some people criticize Biden for not caring about Palestinian civilian lives, which isn't true.

Other people criticize Trump for being indifferent to American lives, which is absolutely true.

I pay very close attention.

You and I disagree, that's all. No more personal insults please.

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"which isn't true."

Yes, it is. If it weren't then he'd cut off the shipments of weapons and ammunition and the slaughter would grind to a halt in under a week. Instead all he does is say, "Please stop murdering children, if that's not too much trouble."

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Unilaterally stopping aid to Israel would not be a good move.

Humanitarian aid for the Palestinians is.

Brian, you'll wear yourself out here eventually and find some other place to post your opinions.

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Jan 7·edited Jan 7

I wasn't referring to you I was commenting on young people's apathy. As I said, I hear you.

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Seems like it took a minute for Biden admin to make a stand on this. Kind of like how it took a minute for Lloyd Austin to mention oh btw ima be under general anesthesia and possibly in ICU, did I miss anything?

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I do not know about the interaction of this trade deal and the efforts to prevent widespread hunger in Africa when the grain markets were insanely disrupted in the Black Sea. Perhaps not starving children is related.

You don't know either.

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Timmie must to be referring to all passages in the Christian bible where jesus makes smiting gays a main theme of his overall agenda.

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It is and always has been the church that is against homosexuality, not Jesus. Can't fill the pews up without new supplicants.

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Forcing right-wingers into the uncomfortable position of agreeing with "those people".

Good job, Joe.

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Of course, the US finds moral reasons (and legitimate ones) to curtail trade with counties like Uganda and Burundi, which don't seem to apply when dealing with places like Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc.

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