"It wasn't that long ago that Trump would get up at his speeches and say "Kung Flu!" and the crowd would go wild like he was Freddy Mercury. If Biden ever said "Kung Flu," they'd be absolutely outraged."

Conservatives have fully committed to hypocrisy as a world view. They believe that what makes you moral or immoral is who you are, not what you do. If you’re in their in-group everything you do is moral, and if you’re in their out group everything you do is immoral *even if it’s the same thing*.

That’s why evangelicals embraced Trump once they decided he was in the in-group - because they never had any real moral beliefs about actions, their beliefs essentially boil down to “us vs them.” Their morality is as simple as “one of us” or “not one of us” and all the stuff they say their morality is based on, what actions are sinful etc., is just so much hot air.

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They never meant "Fuck your FEELINGS".What they meant was, "Fuck YOUR feelings".

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I actually Googled it, and Chicago is only 30% African American, but the way they go on about it, you'd think it was 100%.

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I would comment, but Portland is being burned to the ground every day by Antifa.

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Mr. Reagan found shoelaces confusing.He was dumb as a door even before he went senile.

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"Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate motherfuckers." -- William Shakespeare

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Their followup, "The Night Grand Funk Bombed", was less successful.

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It's all part of a seamless garment.They hate and fear sex, especially non-reproductive sex.If you also hate and fear sex, you are "moral", no matter what else you do or don't do.If not, you are not.QED.

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The cruelty is the point.

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I hope I never, ever have another night of sickening panic and despair as when I watched the election results come back.I'm STILL pissed off at Five Thirty Eight.

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"But... but... Cracker said he was MY best friend!" ::sniffles::

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That would presuppose that Nancy was ever in the same room as food.

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I've got this movie, and that character reminds me of my boy cousins.One day, I was going for a walk, and passed my Aunt and Uncle's house.Cousin Garlic was out front, working on his car and cursing up a storm.Me: What's the matter?Cuz: THE FUCKIN' FUCK WON'T FUCK!!The sad thing is, I knew exactly what he meant.

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