I'm sure he'd claim those "well documented realities" are fabrications by the liberal, communist, satanic. (((ELITES))) to fool Americans into paying more taxes and submitting to more tyrannical government regulations. You see, capitalism, white hetero male supremacy, Christian dogma, and American exceptionalism are written into the very fabric of reality. To deny them would be like denying gravity or the boiling point of water. Only the deranged, the stupid, or the malevolent would question them.
I would upload a photo, but Disqus suxx. 13800 Terrace Rd., E. Cleveland OH on g00gle maps. There's a shell of a building there where my grandparents lived in the 70s, across the street from a field where the hospital both my grandfathers died in used to stand. I know the 70s is longer ago than I want to admit, but damn. That particular section is now just blocked off, they've given up even trying to fix it.
Republicans like to obscure how progressive tax brackets work, too, so they'll act like if you cross over to $83,550 (in the example above), all of your income is taxed at the higher rate rather than just the portion that is over the threshold.
I was hoping to get a job at the company that started my start up but if these fuckheads raise interest rates again that’s unlikely. Thanks, Fed!
or Demonrat
I approve of Joe Biden's menu.
I'm sure he'd claim those "well documented realities" are fabrications by the liberal, communist, satanic. (((ELITES))) to fool Americans into paying more taxes and submitting to more tyrannical government regulations. You see, capitalism, white hetero male supremacy, Christian dogma, and American exceptionalism are written into the very fabric of reality. To deny them would be like denying gravity or the boiling point of water. Only the deranged, the stupid, or the malevolent would question them.
The last guy had a sickly citrus sheen.
I would upload a photo, but Disqus suxx. 13800 Terrace Rd., E. Cleveland OH on g00gle maps. There's a shell of a building there where my grandparents lived in the 70s, across the street from a field where the hospital both my grandfathers died in used to stand. I know the 70s is longer ago than I want to admit, but damn. That particular section is now just blocked off, they've given up even trying to fix it.
He always reminded me of a rotisserie chicken.
Republicans like to obscure how progressive tax brackets work, too, so they'll act like if you cross over to $83,550 (in the example above), all of your income is taxed at the higher rate rather than just the portion that is over the threshold.
Human, even!
Slow it down a bit, play parts backwards and forewards, dirty up the soundtrack and you'll have Jill shopping for gravesites.
True this! This treatment of capital gains has produced an economy based on paper entreprenuialism.
Isn't that one of those "hobo signs" to warn transients not to ask those inside to join them for a three martini lunch?
These are the yellow cakes we like.
Lots of tasty layers!
Fordlandia 2.0?
While hearing his father's voice inside his shit-filled head, reminding him how worthless he really is.