Denis Leary?

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Can we get rid of the “junk fees” in medical bills?

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Why do you hate America?

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Aren't they the same?

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Hey Matt, how does Japanese whiskey differ from American? Much of a flavor difference? I got some Thai recipes and am wondering how important strict adherence to the recipe is needed.

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Funkadelic was such a reach I hope Dok didn’t fall out of his chair!

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Gonna start charging a carpet wear fee for your footsteps grrr

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I actually like the coat but it’s weird she wore it inside.

Then again, I always liked Michael Cohen’s plaid blazer so maybe take me fashion advice with a shaker of salt.

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They wouldn't understand the old Fisher Price phone...

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Tell me about it. We've made a designated chicken area, it's a converted puppy pen and dog crate, We've lined the whole area with heavy duty plastic carpet protectors, covered those with puppy pads, and put a cardboard box full of straw in the dog crate so she's got somewhere to sleep. She's still managing to throw straw all over the place.

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Ta, Dok. A little fairness would go a long way.

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Or the waitress

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I love the ukiyo-e version.


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Nope, different style. The "kissy" bots pretend to be females, and they have a big variety, sometimes no tweets, but sometimes a lot of tweets, retweets and likes.Those 2 I got yesterday are really different: males, and both liked one political tweet or so.

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I'm not sure Biden can do much with executive actions. Some right wing hack on a judge shopped federal district court will rule it exceeds presidential authority and put a nationwide injunction on it. With a 6-3 Supreme Court shadow docket upholding that ruling pending a full hearing, which will come any decade now.

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