There's no cap on Medicare contributions, only Social Security.

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Soylent Green!

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Also, why not increase taxes on tobacco, alcohol, guns and ammo.

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After all, speech is money, isn't it? The Supreme Court thinks so...

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Really? Thanks for the info.

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No one who hangs out here is completely useless. For an example of a "working" zombie, I can suggest Reboots: Undead Can Dance by Mercedes Lackey and Cody Martin where a zombie is a partner at a private investigation agency.


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Apart from every other correct word m, when I read “Same as it ever was” I heard David Byrne in my head so loud I can’t believe the dog didn’t hear it.

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Hey! I don't need Insulin, and likely won't. This capping insulin costs for seniors at $35 a month, is making me pay for their Insulin! Imma go to the SCOTUS with this!

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Medicare is dollar for dollar the best insurance I’ve ever had, and I’ve had them all. I wish I had been on it when I had my transplant. I would have saved a metric fuck ton on meds alone.

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You are precisely the opposite of pathetic. It takes strength to express what you have expressed and to go through what you are going through.

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For about a week, YouTube has been assaulting my eyeballs with ads that claim Biden is actually trying to eliminate Medicare. It's to pay for all those new IRS agents, apparently.

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Here's a thing I've suggested once or twice:

Remember that 2017 "Tax Cut"? Repeal that stupid crap! Lots of numbers will look better!

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I’m gonna go…brush my teeth….It might…take a while

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My go-to reference is Scrooge McDuck.

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...and maybe tax Elon Musk every time he tweets something stupid.

Or tax the Republicans every time they lie about Medicare.

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