I'm old enough to remember watching an "All in the Family" episode involving two repairmen. Archie's telling of the story saw the Black repairman as aggressive guy with a big knife. Michael saw him as a meek little guy, I think he claimed there was no knife. Edith, of course, remembered it correctly: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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Still have that smallpox one, yes.

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You did better than I did in my high school art class when a jerk slammed one of the cupboard doors on my thumb. I had a paint brush with black oil paint in my other hand and I gave his brand-new pants a black stripe.

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I remember getting my sugar cube of polio vaccine in elementary school. (I had mumps and German Measles the natural way. If I ever had the measles, I was too young to remember.)

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We got our "What's on my Ballot" guide this week. It's 178 pages.

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Yeah, the second amendment states that a well regulated Militia is necessary to the security of a free State. I don't think that the persons calling themselves a militia these days are what they had in mind.

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Ah, I see. I'm sorry I didn't infer that.

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geezer is a state of mind . . . i've known 20 year old geezers.

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My bad. I'm not at my best these days.

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I hate the way Drumpf slumps over the lectern, like a low-rent hungover timeshare salesman.

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I'm waiting for the movie.

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A podium gets the sloppy seconds after the flag.

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And Adderall.

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I love your passion and your tee shirt design. I was GOOD at math (enough to get through calc and not have to take math in college) but did not LIKE it. I commend those who actually ENJOYED it.

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Holy crap are you serious?

Biden is a creepy, sleepy, 40 plus year establishment politician scumbag with little good done, just like most all high ranking democrats and a handful or RINOs. The entire debate he was spewing fake news, like the well debunked "Trump said all white supremacists are fine people" BS, and you sheep eat it up hook line and sinker. The dems are the ones losing their minds because more and more US citizens are waking up to what absolute scumbags high ranking establishment traitors democrats are. Thats why Trump rallys are massive, and Biden rallys are pathetic. And the GOP are not losing their minds either over the “dementia/poor speaker” deal, because Biden constantly says goofy wacky inaccurate crap that makes him look like a senile idiot.

Trump certainly is NOT perfect, but he is much better than ANY of the commie scumbags on the left. In fact, crazy old Trump(I didnt even vote for him) has actually done more for the US before his first term, than the last 20 plus years of swamp rat traitors on both sides, doing all they could to run this nation into the ground and sell it out. Before the china virus things were looking GOOD on multiple levels for the first time in many years. But you wont hear ANY good things Trump has done on the "orange man bad 24/7 even if we have to lie about it" leftist "news" networks.


And do you see all those leftist run states being intentionally run into the ground by corrupt democrats(like Kamala)? You see how in those same states the corrupt democrat mayors, politicians, and judges are actually helping the criminals instead of the people? Just like how they are letting the US hating admitted marxist/communist domestic terrorists BLM and ANTIFA run free attacking and destroying anyone or anything they please? Well if you vote left then you vote for the entire nation to end up just like those leftist cesspools, because that IS the lefts true agenda regardless of what you hear on your fake news CNN, MSN, ABC, NBC, or anything else owned by the left. They want all of America to be run down like those leftist states, and will systematically start taking away many of the rights and freedoms we have as US citizens.


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. . . also racist, authoritarian and generally evil.

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