Mr. Anzu just rode his bike to get delicious take out sandwiches from a local restaurant. We are trying to help as well.

The two big purchases I want to do, an elliptical and a new custom PC, are impossible right now due to vast shortages in supply. Sigh.

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Waffle House is going to scream loudly about the tipped wage going away. Good, they're bastards that underpay all their staff. If they have to raise their prices by 50% to be able to stay in business, so be it. Even Hate-Fil-A manages to pay minimum wage or higher.

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'Arp sounds like something is missing.Let's make it the Great American Rescue Plan, or Garp.

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What is the source of the gif at the top of the article?

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$7.25/hr is a friggin joke. Except, you know, not at all funny. A conservative joke.

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It's from Parks and Rec

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Oh, there are a lot valid reasons to own a Nazi flag, like set dressing for Sound of Music, set dressing for The Producers...

So, if you're involved in theater, you might have a reason.

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Estate tax and capital gains taxes, too. Eliminate the trust fund glibertarians.

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"MISTER McConnell, can you repeat that for the whole class??"

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Ah, thanks. For some reason I haven't watched any sitcoms for decades except for the odd rerun of Frasier or The Big Bang Theory.

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CEO's "productivity" is mainly tied to crushing floor worker's pay. Good job, Mr. Burns!!

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The Universe is definitely in on it.

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ok, I usually tip wait people at least 30% often more. So if they start making $15 an hour do I stop? Go down to 10? I mean I like to be decent and I like to make wait staff glad to see me when I come back, but I don't wanna be an idiot.

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the reason we tip here is the shit pay they get, if eliminated no need to tip

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I love both of those and only in the last year watched Parks and Rec.

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Gasp. Joe Biden really is a Marxist commie socialist of the godless kind. I thought the Republicans were wrong. At this rate humanity and reason will enter U.S. politics again.

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