Ta, Dok. This is all great stuff, just what was outlined in the SOTU. We must, must, must turn out the vote in November for a straight Democratic ticket EVERYWHERE. Revive Howard Dean's 50-state strategy. Do what you can, whether that's making donations to the likes of Jon Tester, Jacky Rosen, and Sherrod Brown, or mailing postcards, or calling voters, or registering new voters, or giving rides to the polls, or even getting all your acquaintances (the ones who won't be voting TFG) to check their voter registration. There's always fuckery afoot on the other side, and they'll be trying hard to purge D voters. We shall NOT let them get away with it!

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I don't even need to read this, it's all good stuff the Democrats are promoting. They stand for decency and common sense and good governance and helping those in need for the 30th election in a row. What drives me crazy is that if we all turn out and vote we might end up a point or two ahead of the Republican party which at this point stands for lies, injustice, and the Russian way. Oh yeah and job losses, stagnant wages, bigger deficits, reduced benefits, shattered alliances, hatred, cruelty, dictatorship, gun violence, environmental destruction, and deadly viruses run wild. Yep, if we all dig deep, we might beat that by a point or two.

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In bidness, I would set goals for us that were higher than what we were doing. Sometimes better than what anyone was doing. I wanted to motivate my managers to motivate me to motivate them.....and so on. I didn't even mention bigger bonuses that we could get. Our cheap ass company would max out bonuses in every category. So it was almost always the best use of time on things that had the biggest potential. I would call it the results of an ideal, perfect, best possible scenario.

Very difficult. We never fully succeeded for any quarter. But it was always surprising to them how much we could improve things. I would hear the little shitheads bragging on the phone to other managers.

"We got occupancy, we got sales, we got labor everywhere. Now we're after costs."

Good for Joe and his wish book. Ya gotta know what you want.

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"Americans are suffering, do you understand that? SUFFERING! Also, it's irresponsible to spend money to help them."

--The Republican response

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But will it also include those neat bell bottoms in the Sear's Men's Shop?

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Chess King is the only way to go.

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"I get all my fashions at Spencer's Gifts..."

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Bring back kit houses, I say!

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IKR! And Ted Williams salt water rod and reels?

And his .410 to keep the varmits out?

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The 2% COLA for federal employees is not landing well. Of course the GOP counter-offer will be getting fired en mass and replaced by unqualified brownshirts so may not be so bad in context.

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Would be great to get some $ for building and upgrading electrical transmission lines, so all those who have solar would be able to sell excess production to their electrical utilities. I remember reading somewhere that the lack of transmission facilities is one of the main reasons electrical companies can’t handle solar-generated power. I also suspect they don’t want to incentivize solar projects, even tho my state requires all new homes to include solar panels.

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My utility doesn't buy our excess production, but rather let us bank it. good luck redeeming it, though.

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I read this in today's St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which has a paywall so I'll quote from the article:

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗹𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗮𝘀 𝗛𝗮𝘄𝗹𝗲𝘆, 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗲


President Joe Biden last Friday signed into law a spending package that includes more than $95.1 million for Missouri projects — improvements at state universities, upgrades for local police departments, aid for community groups. But the total is less than a third of what the state got in similar legislation during the previous fiscal year.

The reduced funding comes after Missouri Republican Sens. 𝗝𝗼𝘀𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝘄𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗘𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗺𝗶𝘁𝘁 refused to participate in congressionally directed spending to steer federal money back home. Instead, Missouri relied on requests from just four lawmakers — Reps. Cori Bush, Emanuel Cleaver, Sam Graves and Blaine Luetkemeyer — for any proposed projects for the 2024 fiscal year.

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"Taxes on multinational companies’ offshore earnings would increase sharply too, from the current 10.5 percent to 21 percent, to take the advantage out of moving companies overseas."

That's a big fucking deal. That's a MASSIVE fucking deal and I love it.

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pair that with some antitrust enforcement. yes please!

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at the rate house Republicans are resigning, this may actually happen.

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Yes, but what is he doing to stop the transgender aliens from stealing a spot on my daughter's water polo team and drowning all the horsies?

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Good, 'cause I have a hot date tonight. (lie dectector buzzes)

A date. (lie detector buzzes)

Dinner with friends. (lie detector buzzes)

Dinner alone. (lie detector buzzes)

Watching TV alone. (lie detector buzzes)

Alright! I'm going to sit at home and ogle the ladies in the Victoria's Secret catalog. (lie detector buzzes)

Sears catalog

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I need to have a t-shirt made. Something of a Trekkie design that states, "Make it so, Joe".

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Not "make it Joe"?

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The TNG reference seems quite apt to me...

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I remember the rending of clothes and gnashing of teeth when word got out that the captain of the new Enterprise was BALD!!!!1!1!!!

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Dark Brandon on the command deck: Make it so! ?

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"Biden previewed several of his second-term priorities in his State of the Union address last week, and they’re fleshed out in the proposed 2025 budget."

Remember that woman on NPR last week who wasn't thrilled with Joe's SOTU performance because she wanted more details? Do you think she's excited now?

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I think she will move her goalposts, and keep moving them always just out of Biden's reach, because secretly she supports Trump but feels it would be unseemly to admit as much on NPR

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Yes. Approve. Let's get this man and his budget elected with huge majorities. I need money y'all.

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OT: Today is MIT admission decision day, to see if Ciaobella Jr is accepted by his dad’s alma mater (no, they do not do legacy admissions)


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Best of luck and let us know

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One of my best friend's kids just got accepted into her first-choice school (Mrs. H's alma mater), the Culinary Institute Of America. This makes no sense to me as she was only nine years old a few months ago, as far as I can recall.

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CIA is an amazing institution!

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Breath deeply...

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