I worry about Registered Republicans telling Democrats what to think and how to vote.

Have you returned from the dark side yet?

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I'm not going to make any kind of comment on Biden, but I will point out that quite a lot of Democrats at the time saw the AUMF as actually putting limitations and conditions on Bush's ability to just go to war, since it emphasized that he had to exhaust all diplomatic means first.

Were they naive in thinking that he'd do that? Sure. Is that the same as being a bloodthirsty warmonger? Nope.

Just sayin'.

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I was young on 9/11, only 13. But I still clearly remember the seething cauldron of emotions and fervor over the next couple years. Maybe being a young and thus not having to perform outrage or patriotism helped me see more clearly. I definitely got the impression that people wanted to be angry. They wanted to push this narrative of retribution. I don't know what the Democratic leaders of the time were thinking, but there was a ton of pro-war pressure. It was probably a lot easier to be willfully ignorant.

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I'd have to hold my nose while doing it.

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Good. That’s fine.

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Yes please.

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However, his support numbers haven’t changed much since he (belatedly) entered the race, and his supporters are not particularly enthusiastic about him. There’s an argument to be made that some dem voters see him as the most “electable,” but a weak showing in IA and NH may cause them to reconsider. A gal can dream. Nevertheless, she persisted.

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God help us, but I think you’re right.

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Because leadership is about pleasing your constituents at any cost.

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So you wouldn't vote for him?

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I believe we've found a 'take-my-ball-and-go-home' purity pony.

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So did I, I moved to Canada.

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I utterly disagree, in that Colonel Qadhafi was secular, or any of those Arab generals who sponsored Palestinian terrorists back in the day.

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Joe needs to go down and quickly. But his ego simply won't permit it. Democrats really do need to start over, and Joe (and Bernie, for that matter) is going backward. Backward is not what we need.

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Cool, would you like to point one of those out to me? I would love to see it! I am pretty sure that only thing I have *ever* publicly criticized Hillary Clinton for was in saying that I thought it was a terrible move, strategically, to support the TPP. Why? Because I come from an area that got screwed by NAFTA and I knew it was still an open wound for a whole lot of people.

Also, I don't know where you've been, but I've been pushing for Warren for the last year. In fact, the very first time I mentioned Sanders this primary season was this Saturday. If you want the truth, the thing that set me off on this was not the Sanders campaign mentioning it, but John Kerry's appearance on Meet The Press. It offended me, because the things he said were not true.

If it's OK for you to criticize Sanders, why isn't it OK for me to (very gently, may I say) criticize Joe Biden? What is the difference here?

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Lulz, he can't control his own campaign staff, but he's going to lead the free world? Damn, now I feel dumb for not supporting his candidacy. I can't believe Democrats are seriously considering running this moron as our candidate.

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