Considering the current state of US education, aside from the human toll, losing that many teachers would be a mortal wound. Trump and his party are going to kill the entire US education system.

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The GOP really doesn't care about education. The Texas Republican platform once had a plank against teaching critical thinking skills in schools because they felt such lessons undermined parents' control of their children. They gave up the game right there: Trying to keep people dumb enough to accept their tripe.

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I'm going to go with stupid. If they were evil, they'd at least pull together and support a decent pandemic response so they could stay in power and continue doing evil. Instead, they're willing to risk their power and influence huffing Trump's farts.

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He was actually quoting our Wonkette lawsplainer Liz Dye - follow the link.

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America's problems have never been an issue of ability. Only of will.

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I've been trying to think of who we could put on the bench to replace RBG. Zephyr Teachout is only 48, or we could make the pubs' heads explode and nominate the Notorious AOC.

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KUDLOW: I just don't see why they can't reopen with safety guidelines.I am getting so fed up with the government saying "don't take this action* because we need to do a better plan" then NEVER EVER fucking EVER no NEVER having an actual plan.

*ACA, COVID testing, schools opening, unemployment support, police reform, prison reform, border reform. Even infrastructure.

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Funny, his actions suggest he wants more Ivankas.

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On the plus side, the kids should be relatively safe from school shootings. The shooter would have to wear a mask to get through the doors, and you know that'll be a bridge too far for them.

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We have to get these schools open. How else will our children learn all the valuable skills they'll need the survive COVID at the meatpacking plant job waiting for them after graduation?

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Maybe he's just a good test-taker.

Or maybe, like Trump, he got (((a smart guy))) to take his test for him.

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It's rich that these guys accuse Democrats of wanting to burn it all down.

That's literally Steven Bannon's entire, explicit project.

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Dibs on Huffing Trump's Farts as the name of my new garage band.

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Some people seem to be enjoying it. because sociopaths cannot imagine non-sociopaths

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You would opine correctly based on my own experience.

Back in the day, I took calculus in high school and, thanks to an exceptionally gifted teacher, did rather well at it. At the college level, I aced the one class I took and am probably the only English major who could have improved his GPA by taking more Calculus classes.

But I've never used it since and have forgotten every single thing about it. I could probably work it back up if I needed to but I have never needed to and never will. And besides, I hear that slide rules are passé. No slide rules? How is this possible?????

I suspect that the value of learning stuff that we eventually wind up not using is to give us a notion that the world does not necessarily revolve around us and our narrow interests.

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Not really it bit her and spit her back out. If it loved her she'd be shark food now.Tastes like shit and spit back out. Def not love

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