Thank you, Joanie.

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Sadly, I really do believe that at this point in his supposed career Klein would stoop to deliberately trolling with a line like that just for the page hits...

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I seriously doubt that most of the people complaining were regular readers. I learned to ignore that pompous villager long ago...

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Absurd propaganda that masquerades as journalism.

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Yes . . . fear of this fully-operational space damnation . . .

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silly joe klein. secular humanists are too busy freeing mumia.

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Remember when Joe Klein moved in next door to Sarah Palin so he could "write a book" about her? What happened to that book?

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Humanists have never killed abortion providers.

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That's him. The same one who came to prominence by masquerading as a Republican working on Nixon's 1968 campaign, and then "told all" the awful and manipulative things they did to manage their candidate's image, all of which are now considered utterly normal.

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You're quite the overachiever. I'm exhausted just from destroying traditional marriage (by playing XBox and writing on wonket).

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Working w/ assholes (aka the Consumerist Public), I've idly come up w/: Rectal Prolapse, Suppositories, Used Tampons, and (for the ladeeez), Yeast Infections. You're welcome.

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I honestly thought it was online only, like Newsweek.

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Sens. Inhofe and Coburn libel!

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Paul Ryan: whiny ass titty baby and such a barefaced fucking liar it even prompted Politico to do something closely approximating <a href="http:\/\/www.politico.com\/story\/2013\/06\/how-the-farm-bill-failed-93209.html" target="_blank">actual journalism</a>. Although Politico are still big enough dickbags to adhere to the 'Pukes preferred description of slashing cuts literally taking food from the mouths of babes as "savings".

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hey Paul, I got some clean dishes that don't need washing- break out the cameras...

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Fucking lazy hack Joe Klein is.

Two clicks from the front page of the American Humanist Society's website gets you to the website for <a href="http:\/\/humanistcharities.org\/" target="_blank">Humanist Charities</a>. The front page of which is currently dedicated to tornado relief for Oklahoma.

Two fucking clicks. Or he could've called the AHA and asked. But no, so much easier to just slip in a snide little barb grounded in no truth at all.

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